The Hunger Games -> Revolution (pt.15)

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Song: Hunger games Soundtrack - Farewell.

You're walking through the almost empty house, the only light spice being the light coming from the outside of it.

They cut down the power as soon as you came through the door after killing the guards. So it's all coming down to your good eyesight and your other instincts.

'Any sign of him y/n?' Steve asks.

' about you?' You ask.

'No, we did find Snow's granddaughter, she's more than willing to come with us after what she just saw...'

'Good, you protect her with your life you hear me?'

'Yes ma'am....' Steve replies before it goes silent again.

There's a long hallway that you're walking through, something about this hallway is making you feel uncomfortable, not that this large house isn't, but this hallway, it's out of place.

'Snow I know you're in here somewhere!' You raise your gun as you scout every room.

'I have to admit you're quite the clever woman...'

'I'll take that as a compliment, even when it's coming from you..' you reply as you open another door.

It's dark, you can't see very well so when you walk into the room, you don't see someone standing in the corner. Someone grabs you from behind and wraps an arm around your neck and cages it in by pressing another to the back of your neck.

'Stop...' you struggle against the strong arms, kicking your legs back as your hands wrap around the arm trying to pry it off of you.

Then the grip loosens and you fall to your knees, hunched over the floor as you catch your breath, rubbing your now sore throat.


You gasp as you turn your body to face the man standing in front of you.

'Buck...' you breathe out of relief as you crawl up.

'Baby...' he whispers as he kisses your head while you hug him. 'Doll...' he tears up just when you lean back.

You step into the moonlight filled hallway so you can see each other. You reach up His face and you gently run your fingers over his cheek and lips as he does the same.

'I found him...' you speak into your com.

'Two down, one more to go...' Natasha replies.

You hear a click and you're already back in the trance you have when you're concentrating, something isn't right. The lights above you pop on and they blind you for a good couple of seconds.

When you open your eyes you can finally see how badly Bucky is being treated by them, the bruises only got worse, he has a bloody nose and some cuts over his face.

'It''s not as bad as it looks...' he tries to take your worry away, unsuccessfully.

'We have to get you back to 13...'

'What about Snow?' He asks stopping you from walking away.

'Guys we have Tony...some others survived too, they were with him, ready to go y/n?'

'You guys go ahead, I have something to finish.. someone to be exact...' you answer.

'I'm coming with you...I'm not letting you go alone...' Bucky whispers. 'God do you ever back down?' You reply making him smile at you.

'You guys go ahead to the jet we will be on our I said, Buck and I have something to do...'

'Okay, be careful...sun is coming up, it's becoming easier to spot you guys...'

'Don't worry about us, we will be alright...' you reply before shutting of your com again.

'Let's go..'

'He's behind those doors, he's in the garden...he spends most of his time there...'

'Then why aren't there any guards?' You mutter as you look at the large glass building.

'They're dead...' Bucky points at two pair of feet coming from under the bushes nearby.

'Coin must've gotten here shortly after we did, but she wouldn't engage until we were done here...'

'Maybe she thought we were because the others are going back to the jet...' Bucky replies as he pushes open one of the two large glass doors.

You follow close behind, afraid to let him out of your sight, to lose him again.

'Mister and Misses Barnes...' a heavy, male voice echoes through the garden filled with white roses and other pretty flowers, all have the same odd glow, they will remain beautiful for a while because of it, it's one of Snows many tricks to hide the smell of the sores in his mouth.

'Snow...' you reply coming to a half just behind his back.

He slowly turns around, you spot a rag in his hand with blood stains, he must've gotten sick because of the stress. He looks awful, his eyes are dull and his face is pale.

'You're probably wondering why there isn't any security left...why there aren't any guards by my side...' he smiles at you, a smile you've always hated.

'As you noticed I'm not feeling well...there's no point in fighting because it's just a matter of time before I lose everything, including my life...'

'I wish you would hurry up with that last part...'

'Such harsh words, I don't think you actually mean that..'

'Oh I do...' you hold up the gun, cocking it and pointing it at his head while stepping forward.

'Don't you want to know about how this all came to be Misses Barnes?, don't you want to know who came up with this plan?'

'What plan?' You ask while glancing at Bucky and back at Snow.

Bucky starts to get somewhat uncomfortable, something he rarely does,

'Why don't you ask your Husband?, he and a couple others made it up, they made up a plan to destroy the games and start a revolution...' he looks at Bucky who refuses to even glance your way, even when you're clearly staring at him.

'What is he talking about?'

'Nothing, you're really going to trust him?, he's trying to save himself y/n...' 

'Am I?' Snow takes out his small tablet and he presses the play button on the screen. It's a recording.

'So when y/n gets chosen, we need to make sure she does get chosen, she will participate in the games, she will win, draw sympathy from the crowd...' you recognise the voice as Haymitch.

'And that way a little rebellion starts to form, I think it's a great plan..'. Coins voice.

'Bucky...can you make sure her name is the only one in there?'

'No...he wouldn't- you wouldn't...' you stutter as your eyes are locked on the screen.

'Yes, I will...' your stomach drops as tears start to blur your vision.

'You sure this is going to work?'  Coin asks.

'Yeah, she's a tough one, she hates Snow and the games, all she needs is a little push...this might just be it...' Bucky's voice physically hurts at this point.

He has been lying to you, he has been lying about the plan, he has been lying about the games, then he disappeared and came back, you had to go through two games because of him.

'How does it feel y/n?, to be betrayed by-' Snow didn't get to finish his sentence because you already shot him before he can get the last word out.

'Doll..' Bucky wants to touch your shoulder but you flinch away from him.

'How could...How could you, How could you do this?'

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