Corners of my mind pt.2 💧 Clint (request)

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Song: The Neighbourhood- the void.

Imagine: Natasha locks you and Clint up in a room after the incident.

'Can you come to the conference room for a sec?' Nat had asked you about an hour ago, when everything in life was still going exactly as you wanted beside the whole Barton incident.

And where are you now?, locked in the conference room together with he one person you cant stand at the moment Clint fucking Barton. You're sitting on the conference table, right up against the wall and your legs stretched out over the length of it.

'You're not getting out of here until you talk things out, you know what i'm Talking about, the both of you know..' She had added right after locking the door.

'We might as well..' Clint speaks up after an hour of complete silence.

'Might as well what?' You snap back at him.

'Well if we want to get out of here and go back to what we were doing...we have to talk to each other cause apparently we both got things to say...' he shrugs and you let out a huff with somewhat of a chuckle mixed into it.

'Other than the fact that you completely ruined my life...I have nothing to say..' you cross your arms and keep looking forward as if something interesting is there, when there clearly isn't.

'Well you're not the only one who's life is ruined at the moment, you did your damage too..'

'Oh so everything is my fault now?' You scoff angrily.

'Yes it is y/n, yes it is...because if you wouldn't be such a stuck up-follow the rules-kind of girl, we wouldn't be sitting here but we would actually go on missions...'

'And if you weren't so goddamn ignorant I could've still walked like a normal person...I'm on the heaviest pain medication they have because you just had to open your mouth at the wrong time, exactly like you're doing right now...' you argue.

Both of you are now in a full heated argument and Natasha is rolling her eyes when she hears you're not even listening to one another anymore. She leans forward to the mic and presses the button.

'Hey...hey...HEY!..' she screams making you and Clint finally stop arguing.

'When I said you needed to talk things through I didn't mean argue again!, I meant that you need to tell each other how you feel!'

'I have no idea what you're implying Natalia Romanoff..' you know exactly what she's referring too and you're not happy that she brings it op now.

'Oh but you do...and Clint knows what i'm talking about too...'

'No I don't...Nat this isn't gonna work, just let us out...I'll buy you a new gun..'

'Tempting...but no...and if you're not gonna talk about it right now I'm gonna play both recordings i made, your choice...'

'She's bluffing I know sh-'

'- I don't know Nat...I don't think he's into me, why else would he be so mean all the time?'

'Haven't you ever heard of the boy pushing the girl around the playground because he likes her?'

'Yeah but, even if that were true... look I just don't think he actually does...'

you start blushing furiously at the recording, it's embarrassing, even more so because he can hear you say that you like him.

Clint starts to laugh a your red face, which makes you blush even more, tears start to sting in your eyes, Natasha told you she'd keep it a secret, but guess not. You're actually hurt now.

'Hold up class clown...' Nat speaks.

'Nat Don't you dare..' Clint hisses but its too late now.

'Of course I like her, maybe a little more than I am willing to admit to anyone else but I do okay?, but every time I try to do something good it just turns into a disaster and she hates me for it, I even ruined the one thing that keeps her going... its like my brain malfunctions every goddamn time I see her...' 

'You should definitely tell her!, she will understand!, and who knows.. maybe she likes you too...'

'She's probably going to laugh, she will think its a cruel joke...'

Now it's Clint's turn to start blushing, he's afraid to even look at you, he just laughed in your face while his confession was way more cheesy than yours.

'Now talk...' Natasha's last sentence before she shuts off the mic again.

You're good At silently crying, or at least that's what you thought because suddenly Clint is sitting on the table, right next to your legs looking at you as you sniff and wipe some tears away.

'Why are you crying?' He asks, his voice isn't stern, it's soft and caring, something you've never heard from him before.

'Because you weren't supposed to find out, because I'm embarrassed, because I'm in pain, because of everything happening right now...' you choke out.

'If it helps, I'm just as embarrassed as you are, and you too weren't supposed to find out...' he tries to smile it off.

'So was it true?, what you said in the recording?' You ask.

'Every word of it...what about you?' He asks with a hopeful look on his face.

You nod, unable to form a proper reply without fearing that you're voice will betray you.

'So what do we do now?'

You shrug, still not quite able to speak.

'Do you trust me?' He suddenly asks.

'Yeah...' you whisper, he's so close right now that you can feel his breath on your lips.

He leans in and before you can even think, your lips are pressed against his while his hand goes up to your neck.

'Woooo!' Nat yells over the com.

'Is that my little sister with Barton?!' You hear Tony yell.

'Uh Oh...Natasha don't let him in...' you comment but then you hear the door click.

'Did she just...' Clint slowly looks over his shoulder to see a very angry Tony standing there.

'Yeah, you should run...' you nod and he pecks you on the lips once more before bolting.

You watch as your brother runs after Clint, a smile starting to play on your lips.

'Now that wasn't so bad was it?' Nat strides in with her head held high.

You smile falters and your eyebrows furrow as you slowly turn your head towards her.

'That was some privacy violation Natalia Alianova Romanoff...'

'Oh boy you used my full name...'

'Yes, yes I're in for a serious battle...'

'I love the new shoes...' she tries to back out but you're already running after her.

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