I've always loved you 💧 Steve

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Song: Adele - Chasing Pavements.

Imagine; Sharon cancels with Steve last minute and he asks you, but then when he asks you and you get all ready, she suddenly shows up.

Your dress:

Your dress:

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'You've got to be kidding me!' Steve angrily sits down on the couch next to you making you fly up and land in the same seat with your eyes popping out of your sockets.

You slowly turn your head and he glances at you.

'Is something wrong Steven?' You ask sarcastically.

'Sorry I'm just... in just a little irritated...' he sighs.

'A little?' You grin.

'Well you know Tony's party tonight?, the New Year party?' He asks and you nod while taking a sip of your tea.

'Yeah the one I'm not attending?, yeah I've heard of it...' you chuckle.

'Well Sharon was gonna go with me but she just called saying that something came up last minute...and I had everything planned out...'

'That's a bummer...' you pout.

It gets silent until Steve starts making a face that makes goosebumps rise all over your skin. This is the face he makes when he's either about to do something really stupid or reckless or when he has a bad idea.

'No, nononono, no!, bad Steve!, no!' You swat him when he gives you the puppy dog eyes.

'Please!, c'mon!, I don't wanna be lonely!, please!, please!, Just tonight I swear!'

You stop swatting him and you consider the offer, you did have a huge crush and being in so close proximity to him didn't bother you at all. Hell, maybe you'd even get a chance to tell him how you feel.

'Ugh fine!' You smile at him and he jumps up.

'Thank you!, Thank you!' He jumps up and pulls you up with him,

He lifts you up and danced around with you, you never knew something like this would make him that excited.

You clear your throat and he lets go off you. He kisses your cheek before he runs off to go and get ready or something like that, leaving you wildly blushing.

You couldn't wait, you really couldn't. Maybe tonight would be the right time to finally tell him.

A low whistle makes it out of Sams mouth when you walk up to them.

They have never seen you so dressed up and sexy before, a white silk dress, beautiful curls and soft, natural, makeup and of course beautiful heels to top it all off.

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