Up all night 💧 Stucky!daughter (request)

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Song: Oh Wonder - Technicolour beat.

Imagine: you sneak out and come back way past midnight, Steve gets angry and lashes out. Resulting in you not talking.

'Do you have any idea what time it is?!' Steve can't even contain his anger.

He was worrying sick about you, first he finds out you snuck out of the house and now you're back way past your normal curfew.

'I-I'm sorry  some friends picked me up and then we went to this party, they were drinking and I didn't want to ride back with them because that's dangerous so I walked home...'

'At 3 am?!, are you insane?' The tone in his voice scares you a little if you're being honest and since your other dad, Bucky, isn't here to save you because he's on a mission with your aunt, you just stand there.

'I didn't want to ride with someone who drives while they've been drinking...' you stammer.

'It's bad enough that you snuck out but then you come home in the middle of the fucking night?!, I was worried sick about you!, why didn't you call or text?'

'My phone died and I- I didn't have a charger!' You try to defend yourself.

'You know how dangerous it is out there?, especially since your my daughter?, you could've been kidnapped!, I was two steps away from assembling everyone to look for you!' He's turning red, you've never seen him this angry.

'I-I'm sorry...' you stutter stepping back, your tears filling your eyes as your lip starts to quiver.

'Oh and that's supposed to make it okay?!, you know I'm getting sick and tired of your behaviour every time your dad is on a mission, it's like you don't even listen to me!'

'I do...I do listen to you...'

'Oh really?, well you sure have an odd way of showing it!' He steps forward making you step back.

He's actually scaring you at this point, you've never seen him this mad at you before and trust me there have been some moments where you've seen him angry at you, but never this angry.

His breathing is rapid, his brows are furrowed and well, his whole body language just screams raging mad at you.

'I just..I just wanted to be normal for once...' you admit, you're voice is barely even a whisper.

'BUT YOU'RE NOT NORMAL AND YOU WILL NEVER BE NORMAL!' He lashes out making you gasp out as you flinch away from him.

He sees the fear washing over you and he immediately regrets yelling at you like that. This is just another sign that he needs Bucky to calm him down in situations like this, before he does something he will regret, like scaring his daughter for life.

'Y/n...I-I'm sorry..' his angry demeanour immediately falters, his expression softening.

'I didn't mean to yell at you like that..I didn't mean-'

You rush off and a couple seconds later he hears your door slam and lock itself behind you.

'It..' he finishes his sentence.

You haven't faced Steve ever since the incident, you don't want to talk to him.

You understand his anger and his worry, but his words hurt, he always tells you, that if you just try hard enough you can be just like the other kids, but turns out he was just saying that to make you feel better apparently.

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