Addiction pt. 2 💧 Peter

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Song: Lil Peep ft. XXXTENTACION - falling down.


Turns out that his colleagues, the ones he thinks off as family, actually like you very much. You've been coming there more and more often, under Peters supervision, because let's be honest, you need to be supervised, not for your (past) drug problem, but because you can be a little...energetic.

Add Tony, Wanda and Sam into the mix and things could go very wrong, very fast.

Today you're -as always- hanging out with Peter and the other avengers again. Bucky watches you carefully, you don't know why, but you can feel his eyes burning on you and it kind of makes you uncomfortable.

Bucky sees that you're holding up an act to everyone in the compound. He just wants to find out why. He needs to talk to Peter, alone.

You hear your phone beep so you take it out, perfect opportunity for Bucky to ask Peter, who is always busy with you, to talk to him alone.

'Parker, I need to talk to you, it's important...' Bucky stands up and walks off with Peter following him.

You look at the messages piling up from one person and one person only. Liz. Then your phone buzzes as her caller ID appears on the screen. You hesitate to answer, knowing that whatever she's calling you about can't be good. Yeah a little side note, she hates you. She also has been texting you a lot of hateful messages.

You tap the green icon with a shaking hand before putting it against your ear. 'Hello?'

'Didn't I tell you to stay away from Peter?' Her voice is laced with venom.

You stay quiet.

'Didn't I tell you what would happen if you wouldn't listen to me?'

'He won't believe that the picture is me, it's obviously fake, he has been with me the whole time..'

'Has he though?, because I remember him not being there when the "picture" was taken, it gives him an idea what you were doing...I'm not afraid to use it y/n...I have you a warning by spiking your ignored will regret that...'

'Once he found out the truth he was there.. you must understand that no matter what you try it won't work...and what's your deal anyway?, you never liked him, you wouldn't even bat an eye at him.' You try to keep it together.

'Because girls like you don't deserve guys like him...and besides, I kinda like I need you out of the picture...'

'Why do you mean girls like me?!' You ask defensive and offended.

'Drug addicts of course...' she replies with the most innocent tone you've ever heard. 'You're just like your mother y/n, you'll be dying of an overdose soon enough...but anyway.... I warned you...' she hangs up the phone and you wipe away a tear as the ache in your chest grows.

And then you get something that makes your stomach drop, the picture she send to everyone in school, including Peter. It looks pretty real, apart from some minor mistakes that only you will be able to point out. It's a picture of "you" laying on a couch between some other people, needle in your hand. Peter is going to drop you after're sure of it.

'So what did you want to talks about?, mr. Bucky sir?' He asks and Bucky smiles at the name, 'call me Bucky kid...and I wanted to talk about y/n...she seems a little off, she's acting fine but I can see she's not...I worry about her...'

'If something was up she would've come to me, she hasn't...' Peter replies.

'Kid...if there's one thing I know about women and them saying that they're's that they're not fine.. I can read her body language and she seems a little shaky, she flinches easily and she seems to be in her own world a lot...even when you're rambling to her about something, it's like she's not there...'

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