Connected 💧 Stephen Strange

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Song: Hi-Finesse - dystopia

Imagine; everyone thinks you're mentally ill, but you're really connected to the stones, making you very interesting for various enemies.

'Good afternoon y/'s time for your-' the nurse starts her sentence but has lost the words to finish it when she sees you moving the various cups and plates around the room.

A rainbow coloured glow casted throughout the room, illuminating it, you slowly move your hands and the red shines brighter this time as the cups start to change shape and material, you turn them into large bubbles.

The green then starts hunting brighter as you reverse the time and make the cup whole again. The nurse drops the tray with various pills and they roll over the ground, catching your attention. You immediately stop, the glow disappearing and the plates as well as the cups crashing to the floor.

The nurse gets a pale shade of white before rushing out to get herself some help from other nurses.

You've been locked up in the mental hospital for ages, you recently stopped taking your medication, they suppress your power, they make you violently ill and incredibly tired.

Your mother always told you this was for the best, that there was something inside of you that was dangerous, unholy.

And now you spend your days in the church, surrounded by nuns and nurses. All crossing their chest when they walk past your room. 

You sometimes decide to mess with them, your room is full of crosses, on occasion, you just twist them upside down just to fuck with them. That's about the most fun it gets around here.

And you have a feeling that what's about to happen to you isn't all rainbows and sunshine either, the church is supposed to be kind, but they won't react kindly to you using your powers again.

'Miss y/n...' heavy footsteps echo through the hall outside of your room and you slowly move to the corner, accidentally stepping in a piece of porcelain.

You quickly pull out the piece and you decide it's the best to make a run for it. But just as you want to run, the doorway is being blocked.

'You haven't been playing by the rules...' the large man says and you start to shake out of pure fear.

Not much scared you, but this man was build like a closet and his way of punishing was one that got serial killers to pee their beds at night. You knew that it wouldn't take much for him to actually kill you, and you had feeling that would be this day.

You glance at the window and the big man laughs.

'You wouldn't dare!'

'The solution to all your problems is on its way, it's about to fall from the sky...' Stephen reads his fortune cookie.

'Can you imagine if something of someone just drops from the sky?' Wanda chuckles eating her food.

'That would be quite odd yes..' Loki adds as he takes a bite himself.

Everyone looks up when there's a scream coming from above. The portal below you opens and you fall on the ground.

You try to get up but the way your head hit the ground a second ago, makes you black out right then and there.

'I'm telling you Strange, this girl is the girl I saw in my dreams lately...I'm sure of it, she must be special, I mean she fell from the sky the way you did with Loki..'

You open your eyes and your body immediately bolts off of the couch and you step back watching the three stand on the other side of the room with wide eyes.

'Who are you?' You ask defensive.

'We could ask you the same thing, you're the one who fell from the sky and onto our floor...'

'Well I didn't mean to, I was just escaping and I didn't want to fall to my death so I just used my powers and-'

'Wait you have powers?' Strange asks and you nod.

'What kind of powers?' 

'the colour changes when I use different powers...I have multiple...power, altering reality, transportation, altering time, mind control, control of living and dead souls...'

'You mean you have the power of six stones channeling through you?'

'The What now?' You ask confused.

'There are six infinity stones...' Stephen puts his arms up and an illusion creates itself out of nothing.

'What you described, the power and the different sounds a lot like every infinity stone...those stones keep our universe the way it is...they keep everything together...'

'Am I the only one trying to find out where she escaped from?' Loki asks.

'The Asylum...if you must know...oh no....I am really crazy am I?, I just create this and-'

'You're not me this isn't an illusion...' Wanda takes your hands in hers.

'I think we have a new member here...' Loki smirks as he looks at you.

'I think so too...can we keep her Stephen?' Wanda asks as if you're a stray dog.

'I suppose she could learn more about her powers, we can help her...maybe she could even help against Thanos...'

'Guess that fortune cookie was right after all...'

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