Hiding 💧 Quentin (request)

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Song: Sabrina Carpenter - Paris.

Imagine: you and Quentin are hiding your relationship from Fury and everyone else.

'Y/l/n...you have another rose...'

'Hmm I wonder who it could be from...' you mutter glancing at Quentin talking with Fury and Peter.

Quentin glances back at you and winks before turning his attention to Fury again. You blush before turning back to your screen again.

Quentin has been trying to get you since he laid his eyes on you. So he sends you roses, takes you on dates, without Nick knowing of course.

He would never approve, even if he is a hero, you're like a daughter to him and he likes to keep you single for as long as possible.

'Agent y/l/n, how is it going with the elementals?, any sign of them yet?' Fury asks and you look up from the screen.

'Not yet...' you reply, but you're looking at Quentin and not Fury, of course he notices what's going on but he decides to just let it slip for now.

'Let me know if there are any signs...for now you can show Mister Beck around...together with Peter...'

'Yes sir...' you reply trying to keep yourself from smirking.

'Let's just dump the kid and just sneak out...just the two of us...'

'I can't and you know that...I have orders and so do you...'

'They can't order me to do anything...and you should break the rules from time to time...'

'I'll lose my job...Quentin it can wait until tonight...'

'When this is over we will go to Paris together...I don't know just away...just the two of us!' He promises and you laugh.

'Quentin Stop it!' You chuckle as you try to hush him a little bit.

'I promise y/n, soon this will all be over and we can finally spend time together without hiding everything, I'm tired of trying to hide you from everyone else...'

'I know...but it's what's best for now....'

You said those words. And boy do you wish you could take them back.

Nobody could've warned you for what happened next. When Fury found out, he was hesitant at first, but then he finally turned around.

It's not what Fury did that broke you eventually. It's what he did.

Quentin came clean about his intentions a couple days later, you still wanted to help him, you understood what he went through and well, love makes blind.

But the second he started hurting people, killing people with the drones, you finally realised he had used you all along.

'BECK!' You yell as you stand foot on the bridge.

'No y/n, what are you doing here, I told you not to come here!' He starts to panic when he sees you.

Your clothes are ruffled and stained with blood. You've clearly been injured and he can't stand seeing you hurt.

He used you, but that didn't mean he didn't feel things for you. He wanted you safe, and this bridge was about the least safe in the world at that moment.

'Stop this now!'

'You know I can't!, everything I have worked for...for nothing!, you understand me right?!'


This makes him stop in his tracks. He did promise that he would. That sentence takes him back to the moments he had with you. The only woman who ever made him sane.

'Please stop...' you take a few steps towards him.

'Please...' your voice breaks and he closes his eyes.

You can see it's getting to him, he tries to look away from you but somehow he still gets drawn to you.

'I'm sorry he did that to you...but look at those people Quentin...you're hurting them...call of the drones please...' you reach up to his face.

You cup his cheek and he opens his eyes, you can see the pain clouding them. He reaches up to cup your cheek and you lean into his touch.

'Please...' you plead one more time.

'Call of the drones...' he orders Edith and all the drone drop down into the river.

'Thank you...' you breathe as you move to hug him tightly.

'Thank you...'

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