Are you for real? 💧 Steve/ Pietro (request)

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Song: Miley Cyrus - adore you.

Imagine; Pietro wants to ask you out, but just when he has the nerve to do so, he notices Steve's already falling for you.

Pietro has been acting, well a little bit strange around you lately, like he wants to ask something but whenever he sees you he gets too nervous to even open his mouth.

'Hey y/n, is something bothering you?'

'Well actually... do you think Pietro has been a little off lately?' You ask Steve.

Steve tried to surprise this little knowing smirk, he knows Pietro is gonna ask you out, he knows Pietro wants to, he just needs a little push, and Steve might be able to give him just what he needs to finally ask you out.

To be clear, Steve wouldn't ever see you as more than a friend, maybe a best friend but that's as far as this goes. Steve is gentlemen, he would never take away another mans girl, not when he knows how that man feels about that girl. And you're like a sister to him which would make it all just perverted in general.

'Yeah well actually...I think he's kind of...jealous of something.. I don't know it's probably nothing...'

'No no, don't do that, you tell me and you tell me now Steven grant Rogers...'

'Full name huh?, okay fine, I want to ask you on a date, maybe when I told him it made him a bit uncomfortable...'

'You wanna go on a date?, with me?' You ask confused and right at that moment Pietro and his sister walk into the living room.

Pietro's eyes are on you two in an instant, he doesn't do it obvious but it's noticeable for the right people.

'Yeah I was thinking we could have a movie night or something...'

'Steve that's really nice and all but-'

'Oh come on y/n, we can have some fun I mean we can give this a chance right?' He winks, his back is turned to Pietro so he can't see.

But you see Pietro hoarding sheds at Steve and you figure everything out with the speed of light at this pint.

'Oh yeah I mean...okay I guess...' you reply, lying was not your strong suit.

'Okay, lets say tomorrow night?'

'Yeah sure...' you reply and he kisses your cheek before heading to the gym downstairs.

'I think I'll go check on Vision..' Wanda says as she gets up, she clearly feels the tension filling the air.

'So, you have a date with the captain..' Pietro speaks up just as you sit down on the couch.

'Pietro what's going on with you?'

'Nothing...' he replies.

'It's not nothing, do you want to ask me something?, do I make you uncomfortable, what is it?' You ask as you move closer.


'So I do make you nervous, do I make you nervous?' You get really close and he finally snaps.

'I wanted to ask you on a date but that prick beat me to it so now I don't even have a chance!' He snaps and you sit back.

'You want to go on a date with me?' You ask surprised.

'Well yes!'

'I'd love to...'

'What about Steve?'

'He's like a brother to me and trust me when I say that he really wanted to push you in the right direction, and by the way he's way too old for me..I actually quite like you...'

'You do?'

'You're the only guy here that doesn't take everything seriously and I love that...'

'Y/n, would you like to go on an official date?' He finally asks.

'Yes I would love to...' you smile at him.

'About damn time kid!' Steve yells in the distance.

You both erupt in laughter, clutching onto one another and rolling of the couch. This is gonna be a disaster for the others, but amazing for you two.

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