Cheating pt.3 💧Bucky/Steve

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Song:  Céline Dion - ashes.

'Y/n, you make me the happiest man in earth if you're willing to marry me, so will you please marry me?' Steve asks and you nod while happy tears rush down your cheeks.

'Yes!, yes I will...' you choke out while he wraps his arms around you.

He lifts you up and you squeal out, unable to hold in the happiness. He puts you back down and pecks you on the lips before pushing the ring on your finger.

'This calls for a major celebration!, living room in 5 minutes!' Tony yells but you don't even hear it, you're too focused on Steve's face right now, you've never seen him THIS happy

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'This calls for a major celebration!, living room in 5 minutes!' Tony yells but you don't even hear it, you're too focused on Steve's face right now, you've never seen him THIS happy.

'I love you...' he whispers and you chuckle.

'I love you too...' you smile back at him.

And then a storm of people congratulating you and Steve follows. Even Wanda and Bucky congratulate you.

Things have been going a lot better ever since they got placed in another squad, you and Wanda became friends again and you and Bucky started talking to each other more kindly.

It's not like you've forgiven him, the memory is still fresh in your mind but you've moved on now, and so does he.

You and Steve sit down on the couch and he immediately pulls you onto his lap. He wraps his arm around your body and pulls you close.

'Congrats...' Bucky mouths with a small smile, tasing his glass.

'Thanks...' you mouth back with a wide smile, it's nice to finally enjoy everything without him fucking it up.

Alcohol is poured and people are getting tipsy from all the celebrating, but what's about to happen next will sober you up real quick.

'Don't you.... don't you feel like jealous Buck?' Clint slurs.

'Why would I?' He replies just as drunk.

'Because you were like... like the real deal...right?'

You glance at Bucky, patiently waiting for his answer, you believe you guys were going steady until the whole Wanda thing, you were a real deal.

'She was just....just a casual fling... wasn't...wasn't serious...' he slurs back and you feel the grip on your waist tighten.

'Care to elaborate on that?' Tony asks.

'Let's just avoid this all together!' Wanda suggests optimistic.

'Sure I'll explain.... she was naive and I... I was just horny okay?, and she was... she was right there!' He wants to continue but Wanda tries to stop him.

She can already see the hurt look in your eyes, she cannot believe that she has to hold Bucky from hurting you again. She tried to make everything better and he just throws that all away. This night was supposed to be about you and Steve and celebrating your engagement, not about digging up old memories.

'So that's all I was?, just some fuck to you?, good to know that I didn't waste too much time on you..' you reply, the team howls and laughs as you storm out of the room with Steve following you.

'Are you actually fucking serious?' Wanda runs to Bucky and silences the room at the same time.

'What?, I'm telling the truth!' Bucky puts his hands up in defence.

'No you're not... you know that you hurt her by saying that, you know we're out here celebrating the engagement and you make it into a public humiliation for y/n... you're un-fucking-believable... tomorrow you'll be the first to apologise to her and then you will all do the same for even bringing this up and then continuing this!' She says stern.

'Y/n, y/n hey, hey wait...' Steve reaches out and wraps his hands around your wrist.

He pulls you against him and wraps his arms around you even though you're protesting. When you're upset you hate people trying to hug you or kiss you, Steve knows it but he has to hold you from running away somehow.

'Wait...' he calmly says as you're breaking down right then and there.

'This ain't fair...' you sob. 'It isn't- it isn't fair...'

Steve wants to respond but simply doesn't know how, he himself can't believe his friend would ever say that to you, things were going so well. He also doesn't understand how you could be just some fuck to anyone. He can't wrap his head around it even if he tried for years.

'Why does it all have to go to shit?, I mean I thought we were past this...' you sniff.

'I thought so too...' Steve whispers wrapping his arms tighter around you.

'I'm sorry...'

'What for?, you didn't do anything wrong baby...'

'This night was supposed to be special...and now I'm here crying... and you're stuck with a crybaby over here..'

'Hey don't call yourself that...and I'm not stuck with you, I would never feel stuck with you y/n, you're hurt and I'm there for you...because when I gave you that ring I already promised...' he cups your cheek making you look up at him.

'I don't deserve you, you know that?' You reply as he wipes away some tears.

'Y/n...' Wanda speaks up behind you and you turn around, Steve's arms wrap themselves around you to protect you somehow.

You sniff as you wipe some tears away and Wanda's heart break then and there. Bucky is lucky that Wanda doesn't wanna cause much of a scene by hurting him, but seeing you so broken up by something small like a sentence has her wanting to strangle Bucky in his sleep and she probably should, now that she thinks about it.

'I'm so sorry he said that, just so you know he doesn't mean it...if you even care about that which you shouldn't...'

You stay silent, not trusting your voice to even come out of your throat right now, you're relieved Steve is holding you, it gives you some support.

'I know he's a dick and he's been trying to do better but I'm done now too, because I truly have my best friend back and now he ruins it again...'

'Wanda he could never take that away form you, you're your own person...' you assure her.

'You should expect everyone at your door tomorrow to apologise, including Bucky... and I'll have a stern talk with him...'

'Thanks Wanda...'

'I'm really sorry... again... and I'm really happy for you because you two are perfect for each other..'

'You wanna go to our room now?'

'Yeah..' you sigh.

'Night y/n...'

'Night Wanda...'

'You'll be okay, I promise...and from now on we will focus on the wedding....because that chapter with Bucky is closed... and if he makes you cry one more time I'll yeet him out of the window...'

'Wait a minute, since when do you know what Yeet means Steven?' You ask turning in his hold.

'Peter taught me...'

'Course he did...' you chuckle.

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