Touch my niece again, break a rib 💧 Morgan Stark.

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Song; Run the Jewels - Legend.

Imagine; you're an avenger and Morgan's favourite aunt, so when she gets kidnapped, you go after them and make them pay, y/n style of course.

Morgan is also the closest thing you have a to a child of your own. You can't conceive and Steve is okay with not having children of his own so you're basically Morgan's second parents.

Tony stands there, completely silent and in shock of the phone call they just got.

'Tony what's going on?' You slowly get up from your seat when you see he has tears coming out of his eyes.

You only saw that once before and it was when he thought he screwed up with Pepper, and that was a long time ago.

'Tony what's wrong?' Natasha comments and the whole room goes silent.

'They've got her...they've got Morgan...'

'Where Pepper?, She was supposed to pick her up from school right?'

'She's in the hospital, she's recovering, they hurt her really bad...they want money for her...I don't know what to do, if I pay they're gonna ask more there's no guarantee that they'll bring her back...'

'Simple...don't pay...I'll pay, not with money though...'

You cock the gun under the dashboard of the car you parked a while ago. Finally there's movement at the house Morgan is supposedly in.

And that's exactly what gets confirmed when you see Morgan popping into a window at the top of the building, she's gone just as quick but this is enough for you to go in.

Nobody knows you're there, not even Tony or the rest of the team, you just told them you were handling it and that's exactly what you will do.

So you get out of the car and push the gun in the back of your pants, you place your leather jacket over it so they won't see.

'Hey excuse me sir!, can you help me out?' You ask whipping out a fake map.

'You're not allowed here miss...' he says with his big intimidating manly voice.

'I'm looking for the movie theatre nearby but I can't seem to-' you stop talking and you punch him in the face and hold his mouth so nobody can hear him scream.

'You're gonna listen to me, you're gonna answer my question and if you make a noise or don't do as I say, you'll get a bullet in you, am I clear?' You ask and his eyes go wide before he nods.

'Make a sound, you're a goner...' you slowly retrieve your hand out you keep him against the wall you just pinned him to.

'The little girl...what room is she in?'

'I don't know a little girl-'

You grab the gun and point it at his abdomen so he can see the gun but it's shielded from others eyesight.

'Try again asshole, Morgan H. Stark...what room is she in.'

'Room 204, they're transferring her to 308!' He squeaks and you roll your eyes.

'How many men are with her?'

'I don't know-'

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now