Madness part 3 💧 Steve

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Song; Chris Brown ft. Justin Bieber - next 2 you.

A/N: did you honestly think I would be making any more parts of this? Enjoy reading!

'Don't leave me here Steve!, please!'

'I'm sorry y/n but I have to go..'

'Please...' you reach out for him. 'It hurts!, please just lift his thing off of me!' You cry out.

'I'm sorry...I can't...I have to go...'

'DON'T GO PLEASE!, STEVE....STEVE!' You yell after him before continuing to scream your lungs out from the pain.

You wake up screaming from the very vivid nightmare. You can still feel the pain. Sure it's your brain messing with you.

It's called phantom pain, Phantom pain is a perception that an individual experiences relating to a limb or an organ that is not physically part of the body. Meaning that you feel the pain in your leg, even though your leg isn't there anymore.

You have medication for it, making the pain a little less...painful. But you hate taking them.

It's has now been six months since your last encounter with Steve and you're still having nightmares about the event that made you lose your leg.

You've seen so much on the missions, seen so much horror and gore, and still this is what makes you wake up sweaty, throat raw and with tears streaming down your face.

'Goddamnit...' you curse as you catch your breath again.

You see your phone light up and Tony's weird picture appears with his phone number.

'Hello?' You ask picking it up. 

'Did I wake you?' He asks when he hears your groggy voice.

'No, the nightmare beat you to it...what's up?'

'Still having those huh?' He asks.

' why are you calling...not that I don't like you calling but..'

'I need your help, the world is in danger blah blah blah...'

'Tony I'm not an avenger anymore...I can't even walk properly...I'm useless...'

'You're not, you've got a big brain and that's what I need right now...there's someone after the infinity stones and I need you to help Shuri remove it from Vision...'

You sigh, debating wether or not you should go down this road again, you don't want to get caught up in that life again but they also really need your help.

'Where do I need to go?'

'Wakanda...I'll make sure you get flown in...just be ready this afternoon...'

'Will he be there?' You ask.

'Yes but I will keep him away from you I promise....and also don't kill him if you do see him because believe it or not we need him too...alive...'

'No promises...' you say before hanging up.

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