Another one, but with passion 💧 Bucky (request)

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Song: Ruelle - the other side.

Imagine; you and Bucky always argue, but somehow this mission changes it.

Warning:  May contain some smut... just saying. I mean, I tried... it's actually better I think, but just know there's smut in this.

'You've got to be kidding me!, you mess up the mission and then you get hurt too?, and now you want me to dig it out for you?!' Bucky is furious but so are you as he paces around the motel room.

'If I could reach it myself I would've done it myself you prick, so would you be so kind to get it out for me so we can all move on with our lives?!'

'You want me to take it out?, fine!' He yells as he stomps over to you.

'Bucky..Wait not so-' you cut yourself off by screaming when he roughly pulls out the bullet.

Bucky immediately regrets doing it that way, he knows how painful it is to take a biker out of a fresh wound, especially when it's wedged deep.

You whisper as you grab your shoulder and you double over in pain. You whine out as blood gushes through your fingers.

'Shit y/n I'm sorry...' he tried to help you by pressing something against it but you stand up and flinch away from him.

'Just don't touch me again...' you breathe before you lock yourself in the bathroom.

Of course the mission didn't go as planned, it never does when you two work together, you always get the job done though, but someone always has to get hurt and it's usually you.

You were supposed to retrieve some information and you did, but you got shot in the shoulder in the process, which Bucky was already fuming about, but then when you couldn't manage to get it out yourself, he got even more angry.

'Y/n I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pull it out that rough...'

'Just go away Buck...' you reply as you rip open a package containing the supplies you need to clean and stitch the wound.

' Just know that I didn't mean it like that..'

'Like what?, like you wanted me to die?' You reply sassy.

'It was in the heat of the moment y/n...I'm sorry...please let me help...'

'No, I asked you already and you gave me the most pain I ever had in my life!, so no thanks, you just stay on your side of the room and I stay on mine...this is our last night and hopefully our last mission together because I'm sick and tired of you yelling and whining at me!'

'Well I haven't heard you do any different towards me either...' he comments.

Meanwhile you're already starting to stick up the wound, wincing when the needle goes in and out. After a while of silence between you, a much needed moment for both of you, you make it out of the bathroom. The wound neatly stitched and bandages up.

'I got food...' Bucky just comments and you glance at the Chinese food standing in the small table.

'Pass...' you mutter as you lay down on the bed, tired of the mission, fighting with Bucky and then having to clean, stitch and bandage up the wound yourself.

You're not even that hungry, your appetite sank the exact moment you saw Bucky again.

It stays silent for a couple more minutes, just when you fall asleep you jerk awake by hearing Bucky break the silence.

'Why do you hate me?' He asks bluntly.

'I don't hate you...but if you keep talking I might start hating you...'

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now