Lost and found pt.2 💧 Stuckydaughter AU

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Song:  Melanie Martinez - Orange Juice.

'Y/n, are you excited about our girls trip?' Wanda asks as she turns to the backseat where you're sitting in your kiddy seat.

'Yeah!' You chuckle and Wanda smiles at Natasha driving.

'It's about time we finally have you to ourselves, I'm going to absolutely spoil you rotten today..'

'You know that's not what Steve and Bucky want you to do...'

'Silence Wanda..' Nat jokes and Wanda barks out a laugh. 'That girl deserves everything so I'm going to spoil her today...'

'Fine...' Wanda replies as Nat pulls up the parking lot of the big mall.

Wanda gets out and helps you out of your seat. She holds your hand while Nat takes out her bag and Wanda's. Together you walk to the entrance.

Your eyes go big as you let them scan over everything in the mall, it makes Wanda feel a bit sad for you. Clearly nobody ever has taken the time to bring you to these type of things, but that shouldn't hold the fun out of it.

'How about some new clothes?' Natasha whispers and you nod as you run into the first store you see.

This is how the most of the day goes by, just you, running around the mall while Wanda and Nat follow you and buy the things you like. Both Steve and Bucky will murder them for it but the happy smile on your face makes it all the more worth it.

And it was going well until you saw her again, your mother. You want to walk away but you keep staring at her until she eventually notices you.

'Y/n!, baby I've been looking all over for you!' She rushes over to you.

You freeze out of fear, not knowing what to do. You're stuck in your place. Tears in your eyes. You want to run to your aunts, you want to go home.

'Let's go home baby...' she pulls your arm, you snap out of your state and you start to struggle.

'Let go off me!' You yell making everyone in the store turn to you.

'Don't act up y/n!, lets go home!'

'Auntie Nat!, Auntie Wanda!' You yell out.

'You think they care about you?, silly, silly girl...they will use you!, and when they're done they will send you away again, just like I did... but baby I looked everywhere for you... they don't care about you y/n!' She lets go when she notices she gets a lot of attention drawn to her and as fast as she appeared, she leaves.

'Y/n sweetie are you okay?' Nat asks as she runs a hand through your air before wrapping her arms around you. 'What happened?, we lost you for a second..'

'I want to go home...'

'Okay, lets go home...it's okay...' Wanda says as she takes your hand.

'What happened Nat?' Steve asks running into the living room with Bucky hot on his heels.

'I don't know, I heard this lady yelling and then when I found her she was all upset, she said she wanted to go home...' Nat bites her nails.

'She hasn't talked since?' Bucky asks and Nat shakes her head. 'She's been staring in front of her...'

'I'll go talk to her...maybe she's just in shock...' Steve says and Bucky nods. 'I'll come with you..'

Tears stream down your face, you were not prepared to see her again, and then those words?, do they really not care about you? Are they using you?

You haven't been given a lot of time to think before your bedroom door opens and the two people you call dad walk in.

'Hey big girl...what's going on?' Bucky moves over to your side.

He wants to lay an arm around you but you turn away from him before he can. It breaks his heart to see you so upset and hurt, he would very much like to kill the person that caused this.

'Sweetie what's the matter?, we're worried about you...'

'You don't care about me...you're using me...' you choke out making both of their eyes widen.

'Who said that to you?'

'My mommy...' you quietly answer.

'Y/n..doll we care more about you than about ourselves or even the rest of the team...you're our daughter...we would never use you...'

'You're going to leave me...'

'Why would you think that?, of course not!' Steve sits down on the other side of your bed.

'Please baby you have to believe us....we've been praying for a girl like you ever since we got married and you came into our lives..why would we ever give up such a huge present...'

'I'm a present?' You ask wiping your tears.

'The biggest we've ever had...not in a million years will we stop loving you... or give you up...or use you... maybe your mommy is jealous because she lost such an amazing girl...'

You sniff as you look at them. You crawl up to Steve and you wrap your little arms around him.

Bucky moves his hand so he can run it over your back, soothing you.

'You're our little girl...nothing will change that...'

'Okay...' you answer with a sob.

Bucky looks around the room and motives all the bags from all the different stores. His breathing speeds up a little. He told them not to spoil you so much.

'Buck...Not now...' Steve whispers.

'She needs us...'

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