No baby 💧 Loki.

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Song: Jess Glynn - hold my hand

Imagine; you can't have children, and yet Tony asks you when you and Loki are going to start trying to have one.

A/N; I wanted to make this imagine because I hear a lot of stories about people asking other women when they're having children and a lot of times the women can't have them, which is basically putting salt on a wound.

The worst day of your life was over, finally. You would just have a good evening with your friends at the tower and then you'd just go to sleep and think about everything in the morning, maybe talk to Loki about it.

The news was heartbreaking, but there are other ways to have children, you still felt empty and you still felt like you were a failure, but you decided it was the best to just tell the team later, a mistake you found out  that night.

'Are you alright Love?' Loki asks and you nod as you lay your head down Your head on his shoulder.

He softly kisses your head and wraps one arm around you.

'I'm just tired...' you sigh.

'I can tell...would you like to-'

'So y/n and Loki, the main ship of this tower...' Tony begins.

'Tony...' Natasha warns, she knows exactly what Tony is up to but she also knows what the doctor said to you and she fears it's going to make you even more depressed. She was right.

'When are you two gonna pop out a baby?'

'Tony I told you not to ask it!'

'What?!, it's a normal question...'

You cried your eyes out, for three days straight you felt like you were falling down this bottomless pit of sorrow and just plain sadness.

Loki watched you, he couldn't help but cry himself, not because of the fact that you weren't fertile, he couldn't care less, but at the fact that it was killing you slowly made him feel just as bad as you.

'Y/ have to eat something...please?'

'It won't make me feel less empty so no...or maybe I do want to eat, seeing that I don't need the space for a baby I can use it for food...'

'Y/n...' he sighs as he sits down on the bed you've been in for the past few days.

' cannot spend your days in bed...'

'Why not?, what's the point of getting up anymore?, the one thing I always wanted was a child from the man I am absolutely crazy about and I physically can't!, I'm supposed to give you a future king or queen and I can't!'

'Do you honestly think I care about that?, that doesn't make me love you less...and besides, I do not have any kingdom to rule, you're not obligated to give me a child y/n, that is not why I fell for you and you know that...please...let me care for you...I miss you..'

'I'm right here..' you mutter.

'Physically....what I mean is that I miss your smile, I miss your laugh, I miss you being happy, I miss you.'

You slowly turn your body so you can look at his face and honestly, he looks even worse than you do. He's laying there himself, watching you.

'I love you...' he whispers and you give him a small smile.

That hasn't been there in ages but now it's back, it's a start, you're not even close to being okay with this, but he's sure helping.

'We will figure this whole thing out okay?'

You silently nod and you get pulled against him, you lay your head down on his chest and you close your eyes.

'I will kill Tony later...'

'Loki. No.'

'Loki.yes.' (Sorry I needed something happy in this.)

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now