I would do anything for you 💧 Natasha

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Song: Hans Zimmer - Beauty Awakens The Soul.

Imagine; you were both part of the red room program, but instead of killing Natasha you let her walk right out. Years later you get the order to kill her again.

'I don't want any repeats of last time I asked you do this, or the consequences will be far worse than the ones you've had...' Abraham says and you nod with a cold look on your face.

'Yes sir...'

'That's my girl...now go kill her off and bring some proof..I don't know take a picture or something...' He suggests and you nod again.

'Yes sir...' you reply again.

You let her go once, and that made them snap at you really badly. Not taking out one of the most dangerous souls they created, which turned against them, wasn't something they were very fond of.

So they strapped you to a chair, let you sit there for days with a drug they created that made you hallucinate the most horrible things, they then beat it out of your system, you still have scars from that time.

You two were best friends, you were like sisters to each other, so instead of killing her you told her to run like hell and well that's what Natasha did.

'Why are we here again?, backstage?'

'I swear I saw a friend...we have to find out if it's her because if it is then nothing good is gonna come out of it...'

'So is this the first bad idea you've ever had or are you familiar with what happens when you execute a bad idea?' Tony asks and Natasha flicks him.

They walks past all the ballerinas dresses up as beautiful swans and some as black swans until they get to the dressing room at the very end.

'Well she always does everything in style...'

'So your friend is like this Odette?' Tony asks confused.

'Odile actually...she never looked good in white and she knows...and besides she always used to be the black swan of the group....'

'So are you all trained for ballerinas?'

'Yes we are, but that's for flexibility and being strong on your toes...' she explains knocking on the door.

'Yes?' The sweet voice of the one who played Odette says.

'Is y/n there?' Natasha asks and the door opens.

You're wiping your makeup off right the second they enter and as soon as you open your eyes to look again you see Natasha pointing a gun at you and you raise your hands, dropping the makeup wipe on the table in front of you.

'What are you doing here?' She asks.

'I came to warm you...I was send to kill you again...'

'And you expect me that after what they did to you, you're still the some old y/n?'

'Well I wouldn't, you and I both know you can never be too sure of someone's intentions...but Natalia I'm here to warn you...if I don't do it someone else will...'

She lowers the gun and you stand up and walk over the door. The one girl playing Odette ran off, of course.

You lock the door after closing it and you get back to dressing yourself properly.

'We need to get out of here, that girl that was just in here...she was theirs too...'

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now