Rules 💧 Tony

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Song: Doja Cat - rules (yes I am trash because I love Doja Cat, sue me)

Imagine; you're a superhero, you're an avenger and you're Tony's sidekick, being his daughter has its perks, but when there's a press event, some reporters make outrageous allegations towards your father and even though he brushes them off, you won't let them get away with it.

Okay so I wanted to write this because this lady at the university at the beginning of Civil War had the audacity to come up to Tony and tell him all about her son, and blaming him for everything and I get mad every time I watch it.

'Dad!, please say something please...' fear curses through you as you watch him fall from the sky. 'Don't leave me alone...' you beg him.

'He's going to fast!, someone needs to catch him!' Thor yells over the sound of his hammer slinging around.

He doesn't even get a chance because Banner beats him to it, catching Tony and trying to make a soft landing. Banner lays your father down on the ground as you get on your knees.

'FRIDAY, scan for injuries... give me some good news...' you comment.

'Scanning..' she replies as Banner lets out a roar.

Tony gasps and opens his eyes and immediately looks at you, you happily grab his hand and you bring it up to your chest while letting out a long sigh of relief.

'What?, you thought I would leave you on your own?, I can't even leave you alone in the tower let alone be a superhero on your own kiddo..' he grins and you roll your eyes.

A few tears escape your eyes as you laugh. 'Don't you dare do that again...'

'Trust me... once is enough..' he jokes.

'Kid?, KID!' Tony yells and you startle as you look at him.

'Where's your head at y/n?, you're not still thinking about what that one news-anchor said about us is it?'

'No no.. I was just daydreaming...'

'Okay I'll go over it again, it's just some press event, the team will be there.. we will just answer some questions...I'll be next to you the whole time Okay?'

You nod as a sign that you actually heard him this time, he takes your hand in his and squeezes it. He gives you a reassuring smile, well it's meant as one but it doesn't come across as one.

'We will be fine...'

'Y/n get away from Ultron!' Tony yells when he sees you try to keep him away from a group of small children.

'No!, I have to protect them!' You fire at Ultron again pushing him back a bit so the kids have time to get away.

Suddenly you get hit by Ultron and you barely miss the last child trying to escape as you roll over the ground, your suit malfunctioning because of the huge boost.

You climb out and you stand in front of the huge robot, you look behind you to see the last child standing behind you seeking protection from the huge android.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now