Kingslayer 💧 Loki

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Song: Marian Hill - I got it.

Imagine; you're the person they call kingslayer, you slay the kings that pose a thread to Odins kingdom, one day he asks you to take care of Loki.

'Not enjoying the festivities your highness?' You ask moving next to Loki.

'Of course not....a couple drunken fools dancing with women that throw themselves at wealthy is truly disgusting to watch..'

'I agree with you...the main reason I am here is because my parents want me to mingle...'

'And how is that going so far?'

'Not good, they all just wont seem to be my type...I like people who are not obnoxious, who are calm...intelligent...people I can actually converse with...' you smile as you put your drink against your lips.

'Then I'm afraid you're in the wrong place...'

'Am I?' You smirk. 'Am I really?'

'I can't help but wonder...lady y/n...what makes me so interesting?'

'You're different from everyone else here...I love different...' you playfully glare at him.

'What are you implying exactly?' Loki smirks getting closer.

'Why don't we run off and you will find out...'

'Fuck!' Your back slams against the floor as Loki pushes you down on the floor, the knife you've been holding is now far away from you.

'Do you really think I'd be that foolish y/n?, I know you're the one they call kingslayer...'

'Well then I've clearly been sloppy...I always try to keep it a secret...' your chest is heaving up and down. Your voice is shaky and breathy.

You and Loki have been fighting for at least 15 minutes now. It started when you straddled him and tried to screw a knife in his chest, but he was quick to overpower you.

'I think something else is going wanted me to suspect you, you don't want to kill me, not really..'

'Says who?' You use your legs to twist him on the ground as you grab the metal end of where a candle used to stand.

You straddle him and hold the pointy end against his neck. He grabs your wrist and you smirk.

'You think I don't want to kill you, no you're convinced I won't, but now that I have the chance you stop me, you need to make up your mind love...' you grin.

'Well you haven't killed me I'd say you have yet to make up yours...' that cocky bastard answers as he rolls you over and climbs on top of you again.

'I bet you want to know who made me do this to you...'

'Matter of fact I do like to know...was it Laufey?'

'Little closer to home...'

'Odin...' Loki hisses.

'He gives me all the orders Loki, you should've figured that out by now...'

'I'm impressed that he'd let a girl like you handle me...'

'Is that supposed to be an insult?' You grin, still out of breath.

'Something is different this time isn't it? I can tell from your body language you don't really want to go through it's this...why?'

'That's for you to guess and for me to know...'

'Tell me...' he commands stern but instead you flip him a round again, your face ghosting over his.

'Because for once I think killing you isn't the best thing to do right now...'

'How come?'

'You're smart, you'd be good for Asgard...if you'd ever get the crown...'

He sits up and you lean back, his arm wrapping around your waist.

'You're attracted to can't hide that from me...' he says and you can feel his breath against the side of your neck.

'Well you don't sugarcoat things...' you let out a breathy chuckle.

His lips attack your neck and you can't help but sigh and close your eyes.

'Your father will have my head...'

'If He is truly as wide as he says he is, he won't even lay a finger on you...not if he wants to keep breathing..'

You pull his head away from your neck and his eyes lock with yours. You stare at him. You cannot believe he actually has fallen for you too.

'Is something wrong?' He asks.

'I never disobeyed him before...' you reply.

'How does it feel?' Loki smirks and you smile at him.

'Good...' you lean in and lock lips.

It indeed feels good.

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