Phobia pt.2 💧 Tony (request)

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Song: Melanie Martinez - training wheels.

'Good luck on your mission...' you quietly say.

You and Tony have been a little distant, and you don't really blame him, you did this without letting him know and you feel guilty. He knows, and he hates seeing you like this but he still has some anger left and he doesn't want to take that out on you.

'Thank you...I'll be home in a few days...' he answers.

He wants to walk out of the door without any further interaction but he can't get himself to, not without at least showing you he still feels the same about you as the day he married you.

'Y/n...' he makes you look up, pressing his lips to yours in a bruising manner.

You close your eyes for as long as this may last, you don't know why all of the sudden he gives you this type of affection because he hasn't in a while, but you're not complaining.

Tony leans his head against yours. 'You do know I still love you right?' He whispers and you nod, wanting to hold onto him longer. 'I know...'

'I have to go...I'll see you in a few days..' he gives you a soft smile and you smile back at him.

That's the most genuine smile he has given you ever since what happened a month ago. A month lacking touch, lacking love. Luckily things are going back to normal.

Of course this was spoken too soon like the proper idiot you can be sometimes. Because when he got home a few days later, a complete other adventure was waiting for you.

'Tony What's going on?' You ask confused as you see him walk in with two small children, about 4 years old.

'The city got destroyed, I found them and they need a home...'

You crouch down to their level and you put on a soft smile, 'well how could I ever refuse?' You speak up making them grin at you.

'I'm Tommy...' the boy introduces himself. 'I'm Clara...' the girl then says.

'You should've seen the city y/n...everything was either destroyed or on fire...or both...' Tony sighs.

You're both sitting on the couch after putting the children to bed, they both have their own room next to yours.

'Their parents?' You ask running your fingers through his hair.

'Dead, buried beneath some rubble while they were hiding under a bed...and I couldn't leave them with shield or with those child services guys...'

'You did a good thing bringing them here, they'll have a good life...'

'And you'll be a good mother...I was thinking we could adopt them...I mean they're already attached to you...and me...I think...'

'That sounds amazing, two would mean chaos for a while but I think it's a good kind, and I mean the others would love them too I'm sure...'

'So you don't think it's a little too rushed?' He replies as he turns his head to you.

'No, I think this is the perfect time, and those children need us...and believe it or not, we need them too...'

He smiles at you and lets out a sigh as he pulls your arm, making you move closer to him.

'What are you doing?' You chuckle when he lays you down on the couch and hovers over you.

He kisses your lips and moves down to your neck making you squeal and laugh, his beard tickling your neck.

'Tony stop it!' You laugh and he chuckles against your neck.

After a while he finally hears that genuine laugh of yours again, he will do anything to make you laugh like that again, ever since the mission, it's like his anger faded away when he saw how happy you were with the two surprises he brought home.

He stops as he props himself up again, your noses touching slightly. 'I love you...'

'I know...' you reply.

'Thanks Princess Leia...'

'You're hanging out with Peter too much...' you chuckle.

Lightening lights up the dark living room of the tower and the thunder follows shortly, probably waking the children. You quickly sit up and so does Tony.

You hear two pair of feet rush through the hall and Tony quickly turns up the lights so they will be able to see you sitting in the living room.

They rush up to the couch and run around it so they can both nestle themselves in between you. You wrap your arms around the boy as Tony does the same with the girl.

'It's okay, you will be safe with us...'

'It's so loud!' The girl mewls.

'We will protect you..'

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