Drop 💧 Bucky (request)

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Song: BANNERS - ghosts.

Imagine; you're dancing and Bucky dances with you.

Bucky is not used to you being so energetic and sexy but he's certainly not complaining when he sees you hopping around the kitchen.

The speakers on the loudest setting, the whole tower is basically shaking from the base in the songs you use to dance.

Your facial expressions are to die for too. You're mouthing the words like your performing them in front of the largest audience.

You have no idea he has been watching you closely since shortly after you began doing it. You're just so caught up in the music that your instincts are shut off.

It's been a while since you've been able to let go off everything and just be yourself, your own dorky and happy self.

Not having to put up the curtain of being strong and independent is so relieving.

You get pulled out of your thoughts by two hands trailing up yours from behind and you grin.

'Mind if I cut in?' An all too familiar voice cuts in and you nod whole goosebumps rise all across your skin.

I hear poisons, we're woken from my steam
I'm haunted by the faults, I grip
If the earthquake stops, buildings fall
I'm pulling pictures off, from our bones to you, say
Here, here I am
Oh, and here, here I am
Oh, oh

'You've been watching me haven't you?' You ask as he turns you to face him.

He immediately lays your hand on his shoulder and he grabs the other. His metal arm is wrapped tightly around your waist while his human hand is softly squeezing yours.

'I'll take that as a yes...'

'God, Do you ever stop talking?' He chuckles and you shake your head.

'All the ghosts
They float, float around us
How they turned all our dreams into dust
This ain't your mother
But darling there was no spark, left for us
We wonder part too
But lost I was
And now I know that here, here I am
Oh and here, here I am'

You and Bucky softly sway to the music, both completely consumed by the music.

Bucky can't believe god gave him the most beautiful human thinkable. All the bad he has done, the sadness he caused, one look at his special human and it all goes away, all the thoughts of the worst years of his life. Gone.

Everything with you is intimate, every touch, every kiss, he's so lucky. He can't tell you enough how much he loves you.

'Oh, hard to believe
It's said and done, hard to believe
It's not dead and gone
I want to believe
On this world and in this world, but I just can't
Convince myself'

Bucky doesn't think he's worthy of you at all, you always can tell he doesn't care wether he lives or dies and it breaks your heart.

But day by day he seems to understand just how much he means to you. You've taken a bullet once or twice to prove it, which made him feel guilty.

You smiles through the pain every time, like always you crack a joke about it, like you don't care. Just so you can make his beautiful smile appear.

'Can't touch the stars, or make them shine
If I had the time, until the day we die
Can't touch the stars, can't make them shine
But you know I'll try
Can't touch the stars, or make them shine
If I had the time, until the day we die
Can't touch the stars, can't make them shine
But you know I'll try
For you I'll try'

Bucky sweeps you off of your feet and dips you. You gasp, your chest heaving.

He looks into your soul, as it seems. It gets silent as the music ends.

'I love you...' he whispers before connecting his lips with yours.

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