Vibranium heart 💧 T'challa

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Song: Kendrick Lamar ft. SZA - all the stars.

Imagine; nobody approves of your relationship with T'Challa, so before the battle with Thanos, he breaks it off.

Your clothes:

Your clothes:

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'T'Challa... are you alright?, you's not usually for you to be so stiff..' you move your hand up his arm but he moves away.

You frown at him, not knowing what's going on inside his head, that's a first. You're usually able to get a good reading, when he's happy for example, his body is relaxed, when he's sad, he moves his head down a bit, when he's angry, his chest is forward and every muscle is tense. But this is something else entirely.

'Y/n...not now...'

'What's wrong?, I know you're tense about Thanos but we will beat him...together...' you lace your hand with his but he pulls away again.

'We can't do this anymore y/'s wrong for the King of Wakanda to date an outsider...'

'Well you didn't think it was before...why is it now suddenly a big deal?' You ask softly.

'People don't family doesn't approve... we can't do this anymore...I am ending it...'

'Right before the couldn't have said this before?, T'Challa...why?, why did you act you were so in love with me I can't...I can't wrap my head around it...'

'Because you were a distraction for me...' he simply answers and you shake your head.

You take a deep breath to try and keep yourself together. You have enough on your mind as it is, you need to focus.

'I'm sorry...'

'No you're not... I don't know what happened that made you do this...but this isn't you...and you're clearly not sorry...'

You take a couple steps back. 'Good luck out there...' you speak up before you turn to walk out.

You're tired, your legs are trying to help you stand but they fail you more with every step you take.

You fought with every fibre in your body. And you got some major injuries because of that attitude.

You're limping around, it's awfully quiet. No monsters to fight, no enemies left to fight. Something is wrong.

T'Challa is looking around for people to find, people to help. Enemies to fight off.

When his eyes land on you, his helmet goes off and you see the worried expression on his face and it confuses the hell out of you.

'Y/n!' He yells rushing to your aid, but before he does that you feel something spiking through your abdomen.

You gulp when it gets pulled out and you drop to the floor. He rushes past you to fight of the person who just shoved a spear through you before he takes you in his arms and holds you up.

Your breathing is shallow and quick, the pain overwhelming. Almost taking you under.

You places a hand on the wound, trying to put pressure on it but instead making you wail out in pain. Your voice hoarse.

'Don't...don't...' you place your hand around his wrist to stop him from touching you any further.

You try to push yourself out of his grip, you manage to take a few steps before falling down again.

'Let me help you...'

'No!, you've done enough... leave me be T'Challa!' You snap at him doubling over in pain.

You lay down completely flat just as he kneels beside you. He cups your cheek, trying to make you look at him.

Your eyes roll back, your vision fading away into darkness as your body goes numb.

You don't remember much after that, just some flashes over T'Challa turning to dust, followed by a flash of people lifting you, then another of what seems to be Shuri's lab. That's where you ended up actually waking after three weeks of fully healing.

Shuri is the only one greeting you like she always has. She is the only one you know supported you and T'Challa.

So you're surprised when his mother one day shows up to your recovery room.

'Y/n...' she gently knocks on your door.

You're quick to wipe the tears away, the weight of half the world fading away and the breakup on top of it .... it's taking its toll on you.

'Queen Mother...' you try to bow but you hiss when you feel a wave of pain shoot trough you.

'Don't my have suffered enough...' she helps you sit on the bed and you frown at her.

'I don't want to be rude but...what are you doing here your highness?' You ask.

'I wanted to see how you were doing, it's the least I can do...for T'Challa...'

The mention of his name makes you tense up and she can feel it.

'I am sorry for the way things went...between you two...I should've never intervened, he loves you and as a mother I have to accept that... and you're a wonderful young lady...any mother would be lucky to have you as a daughter in law...' she takes your hand in hers.

'He really love you...I am sure that wherever he is right now...he is fighting to get back to you...just know that it wasn't his own choice, but mine....and I hope you can forgive me for that..'

'I....I...I..' you stutter, trying to make up the words.

But then you see the flashes you saw after getting impaled. T'Challa fading away, you getting dragged off of the field.

Your breathing speeds up but before anything can happen, the queen has her arms around you to help you calm down again.

Five years, five years you've been trying and trying and trying together with Shuri to get them all back.

And now you're standing on the battlefield, portals opening left and right. You look around, your mouth open and your eyes actually sparkling with joy and hope.

Your eyes ons on T'Challa and Okoye. Smiling down on you. He walks down the rocks.

'T'Challa...' you breathe as he wraps his arms around you unexpectedly.

'Y/n... I thought I lost you...'

'Right back at you...' You reply before getting on your toes and kissing him.

'As much as I like you two together again...' Tony starts. 'We have a huge enemy in front of us trying to take over the world, so if you don't mind!'

'Lets do this....'

'Together...' He laces his fingers with yours, not piling away this time.

No this time around he intends to keep you close. No matter what anyone says.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now