Grandparents 💧 Steve.

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Song: The Weeknd - secrets.

Imagine: you take care of your grandparents for most of the time and one day you take Steve with you.

This is for my baby demilh  because she deserves something nice after today's events, love you!

'You sure it's okay for me to go with you?'

'Don't worry... they'll love you... everyone does...'

'Everyone huh?' He asks as he looks at you.

You roll your eyes as you stick the key in the lock and twist it, opening the door and stepping through with Steve following you.

'Hey grandma!, grandpa!' You yell as you walk into the living room.

'Y/n!, how lovely!, right on time dear!' Your grandma smiles as she sees you.

'Oh Who is this handsome young man?' She asks when she licks eyes with Steve.

'I'm Steve Rogers ma'am...'

'Is this the man you've been talking about all the time?' She asks turning to you and you start to blush.

' thats someone else...' you quickly lie and she smirks at you.

She's onto you and she's not going to drop this anytime soon.

'You know Steve, my granddaughter is single, and she is very fond of you...'

'Grandma...' you warn her from the kitchen where you're cooking food with your grandpa.

'I can sure see why she likes you so much..' she smiles as she takes his hand and gently pats it.

'So she talks about me?' He asks amused.

'A lot, it's always good things I said, she's very fond of you...which is a good thing...her other boyfriend was...well...violent...but they were high school sweethearts so I didn't say much about it...'

'She never told me...'

'She has a good reason...She was so incredibly miserable with that man...but then she started talking to you and I noticed her smile growing wider it doesn't matter if you're friend or you actually like each other...know that you mean a lot to her...'

'She means a lot to me too... she made me feel better than anyone else ever should be very proud of her, she's funny, sassy and she's definitely brave...'

'You have my blessing if that is what's stopping you...'

'Grandma stop trying to brainwash him...' you comment making her chuckle.

'Go after her...' she whispers.

'So do you like that man y/n?'

'Like is a big word Grandpa...' you smile chopping up the carrot.

'If I know one thing about that boy is that he really likes you...I was that young once...I looked at your grandma the same way...your dad and aunt came out of that look...I still look at her like that...'

'I just can't help but wonder if it's a really wise thing to tell him that I actually might like him...'

'Can't hurt, can it?'

'I'm scared that it will turn on me just like it did with him..'

'Steve is way nicer, a gentlemen...if I'm not careful your grandma will run away with him...' he chuckles.

You laugh at him while you drop the vegetables in the soup and you shake your head.

'You know..she actually might...' you joke.

'Look...Steve isn't going to wait for you forever and you shouldn't wait to tell him...he's a good guy...promise me you will?'

'I...fine yes I will...' you smile.

'Well consider it done...' your grandma comments while she's standing in the doorway with Steve by her side.

'Seriously grandma?!, you better watch it or the plug of your blowdryer won't be the only plug I'm pulling...'

Steve grins at your statement and can't help but give you his version of heart eyes.

After a while off talking you and Steve finally leave. Both of you are exhausted but in a good way. 

'Steve I have something to tell you...' you turn to him once you're back at the tower.


'I like you...she was right but I was just scared and..'

'Okay breathe y/n...' he chuckles as he takes your hand.

'I like you will you please go on a date with me?'

'Yes...yes I will...' you smile.

He then does something you weren't expecting, he puts the phone he was secretly holding behind himself, to his ear.

'She said yes...' he says and a whole lot of loud cheering can be heard from the other side.

'My granddaughter has a wonderful man!' You can hear your grandma.

'You're kidding, you got her number?'

'I did..' he grins.

'Maybe you should take her on a day then..' you smirk as you get out of the car.

He speeds after you and grabs your arm. He spins you and pulls you against him.

'I'm really glad you came in my life you know that?'

'I didn't but it's nice to mean a lot to me too..'

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