Sweetest mornings 💧 Steve

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Song: BANNERS - someone to you.

Imagine; you and Steve have a three year old and a five year old. Steve thought he wouldn't make a good father. Also imagine finding Steve like the picture above.

You were tired, so incredibly tired.

You had to take care of two sick kids while Steve was away on a mission. he would come back home soon but you couldn't wait any longer.

'Mommy!' James, your three year old calls out.

You love your children to death and beyond but you really need some sleep.

'I'm coming baby..' you slide out of bed and make your way to the little mans bedroom.

You rub your eyes as you open the door, you find him sitting in his bed crying his eyes out.

'I know baby, I know it hurts...why don't you come lay with mommy?' You ask and you pick him up and carry him to your room.

You lay him down under the covers, his skin feeling like it's on fire.

'Mommy!' Liv calls out and you close your eyes for a second before going to get your five year old daughter out of her bed.

You also bring her to your large bed and you lay her down on the other side before crawling in yourself.

Both your kids crawl up to you and you wrap an arm around them as you lay your head back against the headboard.

'When is daddy coming back?' Liv asks weakly.

'A few more days honey...' you reply and she nods while closing her eyes and she lets out a huge yawn.

'Love you mommy...' James says and you chuckle.

'Love you too...' you kiss his head and he also slowly drifts off to his own slumber.

You decide to stay up until even you can't hold Mr. Sandman back anymore.

'Y/n?, baby?' Steve asks as he steps through the door, propping his shield up against the wall in the hallway.

'James?, Liv?' He asks further as he walks into the empty and dark living room.

'Anyone?' He continues his way to the bedroom and can't help but smile at what he sees playing out in front of him.

His two children and his wife laying in the large bed, cuddled up and fast asleep, or at least that's what he thought.

Because once he's out of his mission clothing and back into his sweatpants and t-shirt, both James and Liv are staring right at him.

'Daddy!' They yell as they run to the edge of the bed.

They jump up and Steve drops everything in his hands to catch them.

'Shhhh, quiet...you're gonna wake mommy up...how are you two feeling?'

'We're better now that you're home!' Liv answers and he chuckles.

He glances at you groaning and squirming until you calm down again, finding the right space to sleep.

He knows how tired you are and he knows you need this sleep, so he decides it's best to give you a few more minutes and maybe wake you up with breakfast in bed.

'How about we surprise mommy with some breakfast? ....or lunch...' he speaks up looking at the alarm on the bedside.

'Yes!' James whispers and Steve les out a soft chuckle as he carries his two kids to the kitchen.

'I wanna sit in the seat!' James whines and Steve lets him slide in this baby seat you got for him when he was young.

He refused to sit in it but then someday he flipped on himself and now he whines about sitting in it every time he enters the kitchen. Liv on the other hand likes to stay close all the time, she's more like a koala.

'So what do we make for mommy?, any suggestions?' Steve asks Liv.

She lays her head down on Steve's shoulder and thinks for a moment.

'We should make bacon and pancakes...mommy really likes bacon...' she says with this sweet and soft voice she got from you.

'Your mommy does like bacon a lot...did you know that once she ate two whole packages after a mission?'

'I like bacon too!' James includes himself into the conversation and Steve laughs.

'I know you do you little baconmonster...so bacon it is...' he walks over to the fridge and gets out the package with Liv still clinging onto him like a koala. (As the picture above).

He prepares the bacon in the pan and slowly the whole house starts to smell like bacon and pancakes. It's like an alarm clock for you because you open your eyes.

At first you're enjoying the smell but then you remember that Steve isn't gonna come home in a few days and the kids are missing from the bed. You shoot out of bed and run to the kitchen like your life depends on it.

'James?, Liv?, Oh my god!, JAMES!, LI-' you stop in your tracks when you see James sitting in his usual chair and Liv is being carried by Steve.

'Hey doll...want some bacon?'

'You three scared the living daylights out of me....did you just say bacon?'

'Yeah here...' Steve hands you a piece and you take a bite before kissing James on his head.

James reaches out for the piece and you chuckle, giving it to him. You then go over to Liv, letting your hand run over her head.

'I thought you wouldn't be home until Saturday..' you comment.

'Easy mission, so we were done way quicker then we thought we would be...' Steve turns to you before placing his lips on yours. 'And when I came in it was all dark...went to check on you and woke the kids...I figured you needed the sleep...'

'Yeah I really did...I'm really glad you're home...' you smile sitting down at the dining table next to James.

'I'm glad to be ho-' he turns to the table to look at you.

But your head is already on top of your arms, laying on the table, you're fast asleep again.

'Mommy sleeping again..' James points at you and Steve nods.

He grins at this sight, you look so cute when you're sleeping, so instead of waking you he just asks Liv to wait a second and puts her down before picking you up and bringing you to the bedroom again.

'I love you...' he kisses your head before pulling the covers over you.

He gets a hum in return and he lets out a chuckle before closing the door behind him.

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