Unraveling 💧 Steve/Bucky (request)

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Song: Billie Eilish - strange addiction.

Imagine; okay this is a bit different from the recent requests I got, needles to say that this idea is so cool and creative!

Okay so basically, your mother died a year ago, she was murdered by the same serial killers that are killing now. Their method is that they call people and ask a horror movie question, if you get it wrong, you die.

Steve and Bucky are brothers in this, you're dating Steve.

Also of course with every picture or drawing or anything I use I want to credit the artist, but since I get most stuff from Pinterest, I don't always know the creator, so please know that all the credit goes to them. (The stories are really mine though)

'Where are you off to so late?' You ask Steve as he puts on his coat.

'Oh theres something I forgot to do today and it needs to be done today...so I'm just gonna head over to the compound and I'll be back as soon as I can...' he explains before pecking your lips.

'O-Okay...' you smile at him.

He's been acting strange lately, he's been acting a little distant and you have no idea why, Bucky too. Not that you haven't been a little distant but at least you have a reason for it.

It's the anniversary of your mothers death, the day she was killed, which would start a series of long days at the police office.

They never caught the son of a bitch who did it, the person who ruined your life by taking away one of the most important and supportive figures in your life.

You stare at the file you have laying in front of you on the kitchen table. The file you haven't even dared to open in a year. But you're not crawling back from it now, you have to do it, you have to try to find some type of evidence.

You open the folder with a shaking hand, the first thing you see is a picture of your mom laying on the ground. You wince at the graphic image. Tears already forming in the corners of your eyes.

They found the murder weapon, they know the motive of the killer, your mother apparently had an affair with some man, they couldn't find out with who. Something that simple they couldn't even figure out.

After reading some of the statements and some of the investigation work, you lean back in your chair and glance at the tv.

Some item about the horrorcaller, a serial killer on the lose is displaying on the television. They ask people on the street how they feel. They're just talking about the method this killer uses, which is asking a question over the phone and if you get it wrong you die, when your phone rings, startling you to death sending a wave of fear through your body.

'H-hello?' You answer.

'Y/n..' Tony's voice comes through the speaker and you sigh out of relief.

'Hey Tony What's-'

'Y/n you need to get out of that house now!'

'What?, why?, Tony What's going on?' You ask confused.

'Remember when you asked me to do some research for you?, well something came up and I don't think you'll be safe knowing who your mothers killers are..'

'What do you mean are?, there are multiple?'

'You have to promise me you'll get our right the second..promise me!'

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