I think not 💧 Loki/Tony (request)

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Song: Khalid - better.

Imagine; you're Tony's twin sister and you're in love with Loki.

Your dress:

Your dress:

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'Shhhh!' You giggle as Loki roughly pushes you against the wall.

He puts his lips on top of yours in an attempt to shut you up in return but fails as he himself burst out in a fit of giggles.

who would've thought that the god of mischief himself would be giggling like a schoolgirl?

'Shhh, Loki we have to be quiet!, my brother is a light sleeper!, he can't find out about us...' you whisper as you try to walk away from him.

'He won't find out, we've been careful, he's probably in his lab...which means that I can do whatever I Please with you...' he smirks.

You smile softly as you lay your hand on his cheek, he sighs already knowing what you're thinking.

You want to tell Tony, you're sick of hiding, you're sick of having to pretend that the man in front of you means nothing. Loki actually wants to tell Tony too.

But you're scared Tony cause a scene, a big one just because he doesn't like Loki very much, given his past and a little bit of the present.

So when Loki suggests it, you shut him down every time. Just because you're scared, you're a coward.

'We should tell him...'

'I know...' you let out a long sigh.

'If he gets angry I will protect you...'

'It's not me I'm worried about, it's you... if he takes it the wrong way, which I am 99,9 percent sure he will, he will do everything in his power to keep you away from me...'

'He can't get rid of me that easily...' he replies making you let out a soft chuckle.

'I'm sure he can't...I just don't want to risk it...'

'Okay...then I will give you a choice... either you will tell him, or I will at the party tonight...'

'That isn't fair you can't force me...' you cross your arms.

'Tell me what?' Tony asks as he walks out of his room.

It's clear that you indeed woke him up, his hair standing in every possible direction but the good one, his eyes are slightly open.

'I...Tony...I need to tell you something...'

'Yeah I got that, what do you wanna tell me?' He replies sassy and you roll your eyes.

'Do I have to?' You turn to Loki. 'Yes...'

'Fine...' you sigh. 'You're probably going to be mad and this is possibly the worst time to tell you but...'

'Just spit it out y/n...' Tony says.

'Loki and I are a thing...'

His eyes widen for a moment and you expect him to start yelling every minute now, but the voice raising doesn't occur. At least not yet.

Tony narrows his eyes at you before shrugging. 'Good for you...congrats...' he smiles.

Now it's your turn to be in somewhat of a shock, did he just say "good for you?".

'Uh, did I not hear that correctly or did you actually congratulate us?'

'Yeah...why not?, you're not a baby and I'm not your dad, what you do with your private life is not my concern...if you're happy and is treating you right...I really couldn't care less...'

You stare at him, only to be pulled away from that state by Loki's arm wrapping around your waist just as Tony makes his way over to the kitchen.

'Okay what just happened?' You mutter.

'Okay so aren't you like a little worried?' Bruce asks Tony at the party that night.

'No, why would I?, if something's up she will come to me...besides, she's a grown woman, she can handle her own pretty well...I'll pray for Loki if he hurts her...'

'I won't hurt her...' Loki cuts in.

'I hope for your sake you won't...speaking of the woman I call the devil, where is she?' Tony asks.

'She will arrive soon, she made a last minute costume change I believe, she told me to go ahead...'

'Typical...' Tony chuckles, you always were a sucker for creating drama.

But that wasn't your goal tonight, you wanted to thank Loki in some way, because now the weight fell of your shoulders, and besides that you wanted to look nice and surprise him. So instead of wearing your usual evening attire, you chose the one dress that you never wore before. (Up top)

And it works because as soon as the doors slide open, revealing you in the dress, the whole room falls silent.

You start to blush as you make your way over to Loki, who can't walk any faster towards you.

'You look...gorgeous...' he breathes.

'Thanks...' you chuckle as he takes your hand.

The party continuous like nothing happened and you release the breath you didn't even know you were holding.

You still can't believe Tony is completely okay with this. But when you glance back at him when you're dancing with Loki, he has the brightest smile on his own face.

'Y/n, I must say, you look ravishing, I can't wait to tear this dress off of you tonight...' he whispers in your ear.

He expects you to stiffen up, or at least your expression to change even a little bit, but it doesn't. You just smile at him before replying.

'If you shred this dress, I will make sure they will never find your body...'

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