Subway surfing 💧 Peter

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Song;  little less conversation - JXL radio edit remix

Imagine; you and Peter make some bullies mad and they chase you down through New York, much to your amusement.

'oh fuck!' You yell almost in slow motion as you watch the tray of food topple over onto the worst person in this school. Brad.

'I'm so sorry...' you apologise, or at least trying to.

'You're so dead!, I'm not kidding this time!'

'It was just an accident!' You argue as he stands up and wipes the remainder of your food off of him.

'Talking back to me now?, I wouldn't expect that from such a wallflower....'

'Well if you'd use that brain of yours a little more often, you would find out I'm not such a wallflower at all... but anyway I'm was an accident...'

You're about to walk away when he grabs your wrist and you yelp in the sudden pain he's causing you.

'After school, you're gonna be dead...were going to show you what happens to the wallflowers that talk back...'

'Let go off me...' you hiss at him but he just grabs on tighter.

'Let go of her Brad..' Peter steps in and he chuckles at Peter.

'Who's gonna stop me?, you?' He mocks and Peter grabs his arm and squeezes.

At first Brad just seems annoyed but then the squeezing gets almost unbearable for him and he lets go of your arm and clutches his own.

'After school, both of you are going to be dead!' He yells while Peter pulls you away.

'Dead!' He repeats.

'We have to run y/n...'

'From them?, don't you think they'll catch up to us if we do?' You reply, feat taking over.

'Nah, come on, I know how to shake em...'

'Wha-' you're about to ask what he's talking about when the schooldoor opens, showing Brad and the group of four other guys looking for you and Peter.

Peter pulls your arm and the both of you start running towards the subway station near the school.

'The subway?, we will be trapped if we go in there!, they'll catch up to us...'

'I know a shortcut... perks of being Spider-Man ...' he replies and he pulls you with him into a narrow alley.

There he pushes you against the wall and holds you there while the other guys rush by. Your heart is racing against your chest as Peter continues to hold you against the wall, his gaze captivated by yours.

'We should-'

'Yeah..Yeah...lets go to my place...' you suggest and he nods. 'Let's go to mine instead, it's closer...'

'Whatever suits you Parker..I'm all in...' you reply winking.

Peter turns around the corner to check if the coast is clear, he nods at you and you follow him down the streets, right to his house.

Just when you thought you shook them off, the boys come running down the street. Peter again pulls you by your arm into his building.

He runs to the elevator and presses the button, you look back to see the boys running up to the door.

'We're not going to make it if we wait for the elevator, we have to take the stairs...'

'I have a better idea..c'mon..' he pulls you to the stairwell and gets in the middle.

He wraps an arm around you, pulling you close as he shoots one of his webs up against the ceiling.

'Hold on Okay?' He asks and you nod wrapping your arms around him tighter.

Before you know it you're standing on the right floor making your way over to Peters apartment. He quickly opens the door and you both rush in.

He closes the door, but what you weren't expecting is for Peter to immediately press you against it. You gasp as you feel his hands cup your face and he presses his lips to yours.

He pulls back and your eyes widen as you stare at him, he immediately starts to apologise.

'I'm so sorry I didn't mean-' he babbles but you're quick to press another short kiss to his lips.

'Thank you for saving me...Spider-Man...' you chuckle.

'You're welcome...' he grins as his hand goes up to the back of his neck.

'So uhm...' you try to break the silence.

'Will you please be my girl?'

'I'd love to...' you smile.

Even though you weren't planning on even admitting to Peter that you like him, you're glad you did, and you're glad you escaped the boys in time. Overall a pretty happy ending for the both of you.

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