Losing myself 💧 Steve

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Song: Sia - dusk till dawn ft. Zayn

Imagine; one day Steve comes back from a mission, the mission went south and people died.

'Steve thank god you're okay!' You run up to him and wrap your arm around his neck just as he drops his bag to catch you.

He buries his face in the crook of your neck and you can feel his sorrow already. You see a side of him nobody else sees, and he's already showing it to you right now.

Everyone always sees the confident and strong Captain America, but you see the broken man underneath the suit, the man that deserves the whole world but gets less than nothing instead.

He lifts his head and you see tears glossing over his eyes, threatening to roll down his cheeks. You shoot him a sympathetic smile before intertwine your fingers with his and pulling him with you.

You know him well enough to know he doesn't want the team to see this side of him, you respect that, even though the whole team knows exactly what that side looks like as well, he just doesn't want to.

So you pull him with you to your shared room. You throw his bag, which you picked up before leaving, in the corner and you make him sit on the bed.

You move over to the bathroom and you open the faucet and let the bath fill up with hot water before returning to the room to see Steve still sitting in the same spot, the same posture and the same blank stare in his eyes.

'Steve...baby...' you stand in front of him but he keeps staring forward.

'Steve...' you repeat again as you raise his chin so he's looking up at you.

Tears roll down his cheeks, his face contorting into sadness as he wraps his arms around you and lays his head against your waist.

He starts to cry, loudly, full on sobbing and sniffing and you run your hands trough his hair. You don't say anything you just let him cry it out, there are not many moments where he lets them out.

After a while you help him up and go to the bathroom with him. You cup his cheeks and wipe away the remains of the tears.

'I could've-' you stop him by putting your finger against his lips.

'You're not doing that...you're not gonna blame yourself...you always do this...it's not your fault...' you unzip his suit and let it glide over his shoulders.

It falls to the ground and soon everything else joins the pile including your own clothes. You got step into the bath and this time he lays against you instead of the other way around.

His head laying against your chest, one arm wrapped around him, your other hand is stationed in his hair, softly playing with it.

'Why do you stick around?' He suddenly asks, his voice is still phrase from the mission.

'Come again?'

'Why are you still there for me?'

'Quit it right now Rogers or I swear to god...'

You feel him chuckle and you secretly smile at him.

'You're mine and I am yours..I am there to pick you up when you fall...I'm there to hug when you need it...no matter what...' you kiss his head.

He turns his body around and his lips hover over yours. He dips his head and plants a loving kiss on your lips.

He then starts peppering kisses all over your face making you burst into a fit of giggles.

'Stop!, Stop!, Steve Knick it off!' You squirm underneath him, but he doesn't.

So you reach for the knob above you which turns on the shower, you twist it and cold water cascades down Steve's body making him yelp. You turn the knob so the water stops and you chuckle at him expression.

His eyes are open wide and his mouth is open just as much. 'Oh I'm so not gonna stop now'

'Fine with me but prepare for another cold shower then...' you smirk.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now