Cabin in the woods 💧 Bucky/ Steve (request) (smut)

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Song: Foster the people - I would do anything for you.

Imagine: you go with your boyfriend Bucky and your best friend Steve to a little cabin in the woods, you get snowed in.

There's smut in this...if that's what you can even call the crap I write..

'So what do you think?' Bucky asks as you walk into the rather large cabin.

It was his idea to just get away for a week, Steve tagging along also. The last mission wasn't an easy one and a little vacation sounded like heaven, so now you're here, in Bucky's old cabin.

'I love it...' you wrap your arms around his neck and he smiles at you. You lean in and press your lips to his.

Things soon get heated, until Captain Cockblock walks in, making you lean back. Bucky's arm still wrapped tightly around your waist.

'Ahem...I'm still here you know..'

'Do remind me why we let Steve tag along..' you chuckle.

'Now that you say that, I have no idea...' Bucky replies earning an eye roll from Steve.

'You two are such comedians...well you'll have plenty of time to fondue when I go out for food...' he comments.

You turn around in Bucky's grip to look at Steve with a wide grin. 'So when's that going to be?' You ask innocently.

'You two...I swear you two are going to give me a headache...' he chuckles. 'Alright I'm going to head out, anything in particular you want?' Steve asks and you reply with a shake of your head.

'I want something only Bucky can give to me..' you cheekily reply as you throw back your head.

'An STD?' Steve replies and your face scrunches up in disgust. ''

'You need anything Buck?'

'Just go Punk!' He groans in annoyance.

A couple seconds later you hear the door close and a car drive of a minute later. Bucky turns back to you with a cheeky grin across his lips.

'Finally...' he ghosts his lips over your neck as he wraps your legs around his waist, keeping you upright.

'Hey you asked him to come with us...' you retort and he snorts. 'A mistake...clearly...'

You walks up the stairs to the master bedroom, he swiftly opens the door and walks through before closing it, deeming it unnecessary to lock it behind him when nobody is home anyway.

He walks over to the bed and lays you down before his lips start exploring your neck. Slowly undoing the buttons of your blouse in the process.

The last button is the one of your pants, which gets pulled from your legs along with your underwear. 'As much as I enjoy the matching bra and panties, I would much rather see them both off...' he grins which makes you let out a breathy whimper.

He ain't much of a talker in general but behind closed doors.. he talks more than Peter Parker, and that really means something because that kid talks until your ears bleed.

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