Addiction pt.3 💧Peter

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Song: Ludovico Einaudi - experience.

'Are you ready to go to school? I mean you can stay home if you want...' your brother asks as he stops in front of the entrance.

'Honestly?, no, but I'll survive...besides.. I can't hide's been a week...'

'Okay, text Jenny when you need her to pick you up...'

'Thanks...' you smile before opening the car door and stepping out. You swing your bag over your shoulder before closing the car door and walking through the gate.

You get stared at, pointed at but you couldn't care less. It's been a week since it all happened, you had a whole week to think about and if he doesn't want to hear the truth from you, you're done with him too.

So you sit through all of your classes, luckily no class shared with Peter. It's not the classes you're worried about, it's lunch, when you have to see Liz again, the whole school together in one place.

You sit down at an empty table you get your phone out and mindlessly scroll through your Pinterest. You don't have an appetite, which is not uncommon for you. It's just the knot in your stomach that's making you full.

Suddenly three people sit at the table, your head snaps up, revealing MJ, Ned and Betty. You hastily put your phone in the bag, they probably don't want to sit with you anymore.

MJ sees you're trying to walk away so she grabs your wrist and pulls you back into the seat next to her. You don't even dare to look at her.

'Y/ have you been?' She asks worried. Her hand still around your wrist.

'Fine...I'll just probably don't want to sit with me anymore-'

'And why would that be?' Betty asks confused.

'Haven't you seen the picture?, I'm sure you all believe it... it sure looks like I'm using again..'

'No I don't trust the mainstream media, especially if something comes from Liz...y/n, I know you'll be honest with us and you can be because we won't judge you okay?, don't tell me what thinks look like, tell me what they are...'

'The picture is fake...Liz threatened to send it to everyone if I wouldn't back off of Peter...of course I thought she was bluffing, but then she send it...Peter got mad...I...i haven't spoken to him since...'

'Come here...' MJ says as she wraps her arms around you, laying her head on top of yours. You pick up your phone and show them the texts she send, and the voice memo's.

'God I hate Liz...who does she think she is!' Ned hisses angry.

Then there's a group of people laughing happily so you turn to look. You see Liz with her friends, Peter is sitting next to her with an arm wrapped around her, laughing with them.

The three friends can see the sad look in your eyes, even if it's just a glimpse. 'He's an idiot y/n...'

'Yeah whatever...I have to go to the restroom...I'll be right back...' you smile. 'Want me to come with?' MJ SSL's and you chuckle at her.

'And what?, hold my hand?, I got this MJ...' you chuckle. 'There's my girl...' Betty cheers.

You walk past the table Liz is at, She looks at you and a wicked grin forms on her face as she stands up.

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