Wounds can heal 💧 Steve/ Peter (request)

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Song: Ruelle - the other side.

Imagine; you meet Steve at the therapy group and you eventually start dating, he finds out you're actually a genius, you help them save everyone.

After losing your little brother Peter, you were lost.
You wouldn't get out of bed, you regretted waking up in the morning, you were living in your own personal hell.

If Peter wasn't so incredibly brave and heroic, he would've still been here, he still would've woke you up in the mornings, he would still run around the house like a toddler, he would still be there.

After a while of not even getting out of bed, May decided it was enough and drove you to this meeting, some kind of meeting where everyone is supposed to tell about losing their loved ones and the progress they've made. Something you didn't even know you needed.

Because after coming more often, you found it soothing to talk to others who are going through the same shit you are.

And you met Steve there, the guy you've been dating for a while now, 3 years to be exact.

Of course that wouldn't make you forget about Peter, but at least now you had a different reason to get up in the morning, or rather, stay in bed, but the good kind.

'What's wrong baby?' You ask Steve.

You lay your head down on his chest as you look at his face. The sheets are draped over you

'The team and I are trying to get everyone back, but when we arrived at Tony's house...he said he didn't want to help... and I get that... but this is the team we're talking about, people we care about... but he doesn't seem to care...'

'Steve... in the short amount of time that I know Tony, I know he does care, probably more than any of us... but I also understand that he doesn't want to lose everything he has build in the last 5 years...'

'Course I know that but it's just...it bugs me...'

'So what are you guys working on now?' You ask.

'They're trying something with the Quantum Realm But so far no luck...' he sighs.

'Maybe I can take a look at it tomorrow, using the Quantum Realm sounds pretty good...but let me guess, the first try made him into a boy...'

'Yeah How did y-'

'Have you ever stopped to even think about what I do for a living?' You question him and he shakes his head slightly making you chuckle.

'I'm a scientist, sort of Banner and Stark combined... I've got a PhD in science and I study the Quantum Realm...'

'You're amazing you know that?'

'I know...' you smile as he leans in to peck you on the lips.

It's time, finally the theory actually worked, people started coming back and so did the animals, which gave away that it had worked.

Sadly you had two seconds to enjoy it before something hit the compound making it collapse on top of everyone present.

Steve put up his shield, protecting you both from the falling pieces of junk. You got hurt though, it wasn't a large injury, neither was it life threatening but it still hurt like a buttcheek in a stick.

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