Bratty teen 💧 Stony (request)

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Song: Selena Gomez - people you know.

Imagine; you don't like the idea of your father, Tony, and Steve being together. So you try to do anything to destroy their relationship.

Warning, you're really mean in this one.

Your clothes:

Your clothes:

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'Y/n, can you come here for a second?' Your father asks, through Friday of course because he can't stand to walk a couple seconds to reach your room.

'Yeah I'll be with you in a second...' you hurry to put on your jacket, you're getting ready to go to the diner with some friends, you really like the 40s style.

You rush down the stairs and you hear the all too familiar phrase, "no running down the stairs you'll hurt yourself one day!"

'Yeah was whatever dad...' you mutter as you make your way towards the sound of his voice.

'So what did you want me here fo-' you stop dead in your tracks when you see a blind man sitting on the couch, he turns around and you now notice it's Steve, from your dads work.

'Hi...' he says and you shoot him a small smile.

'Hi...' you greet him before you turn to your dad with a frown, waiting for him to explain why it's so important that you came to the living room.

'Honey maybe you should sit down, I need to tell you something...' Tony smiles and you cross your arms as you sit down at the kitchen island, your back against the counter.

'I've been thinking this over and me I have...and after your mom I just...'

'Dad..' you interrupt him because he's twirling around the subject again, like he always does when he has some important news.

'Yeah sorry...hah I'm just a little nervous because I don't know how you'll take this...'

'Take what?' You ask slowly.

'You know Steve, from my work right?'

' can you please tell me what it is because I have to go in a couple minutes...'

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