My sunshine 💧 Tony/ Peter (request)

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Song: Travie McCoy ft. Sia - golden.

Imagine; you're Tony's baby sister and you started dating Peter, he finds out and let's say he isn't happy to hear it.

Also Peter is like 24 in this, kind off, else it won't really make sense I think.

I'm sorryyyyyyy this took so damn longggg

'peter c'mon!, I wanna hit you!, stop dodging...' you whine.

'You're just too slow to actually hit me!' He chuckles and you roll your eyes.

'This ain't fun...I'm gonna shower...'

'No no baby come on!, I was joking...please come back..I swear I'll stop dodging you...' he grabs your arms and you smile at him.

'Okay fine but if not...I swear to god Peter...we're done here...' you reply and he chuckles.

'Go ahead...hit me...' he gets ready and so do you.

'You are going down Miss Stark...'

'Don't think so Mister Parker...' you smirk.

After a while of actually sparring with one another, you're pinned beneath Peter. You're both out of breath but you even more so since you just got the breath knocked out of your lungs.

'Not bad Stark...' He rasps.

'Peter get off of me...' you chuckle.

He completely lays his whole body down on top of you and you wheeze out of the lack of air as you try to laugh. He is heavier than he looks, he must've had a big breakfast. (I swear if you get this, I'll marry you within the next few days).

'Peter I cant... I cant breathe!' You sputter our laughing and he lifts himself off of you again.

He smiles and you look him right in the eyes. You reach up and gently comb your fingers through his brown curls. He sighs and closes his eyes for a second. When he opens them you're already leaning in and connecting your lips with his for a sweet kiss.

'I love you...' he smiles and you giggle.

'I love you too...' you reply without hesitation.

You haven't had many lasting boyfriends, you were all in for partying in one night stands, until you met Peter. It's not like you had the best example with Tony Stark as your only relative and caretaker. But you changed, you and Peter have been together for 11 months already, your anniversary is actually a couple days away.

'Oh you love him now...' Tony's voice comes like thunder on a crystal clear sky.

Peter hurries on his feet and so do you. You wanted him to find out about you two eventually but not now and not like this.

'That funny actually y/n...because I've heard you say that quite a lot over the years...'

'Tony...' you warm him.

'So when were you going to tell me that you're fooling around with one of the team members?' He asks crossing his arms.

'This isn't just fooling around...this is something serious Tones...and I wanted to tell you at a better occasion than this...'

'Y/n you know how I feel about you hoeing around...'

'Hoeing around?, I'm sorry?!, the only one acting like a whore around here is you, you aren't exactly the right person to look up to given that there was another woman every week...'

'No, I shouldn't be happy or supportive about this, you know exactly why.-'

'Those days are over...' you interject and he scoffs.

'Yeah Whatever y/n, i don't want this...' he signs between you two. 'To get out of hand so I'm stopping it right now...'

'No you're not... you don't tell me what to do...I really love him... I'm not a kid anymore and you don't own me...' you take Peters hand in yours.

'She changed Mister Stark...I know about her last but I don't care... and this isn't just messing around, I seriously love her, this is serious...we've been dating for a year now...' You smile when you feel him squeezing your hand a little.

'I love her to death and I don't want you to stand in the way of that...' he sternly says and you see Tony's demeanour change completely.

He's shocked at first that his apprentice would go off at him like that, and then he realised that the reason he acts like this is because it's genuine, he means it.

'If you screw it up, and I'm talking to both of you here, I don't want to hear anything about it and I don't want it to affect the team, am I clear?'

'Crystal...' you reply with a smirk.

'Oh and Tony...' you stop him from walking away just yet.

'Yeah?' He ask turning back.

'If you're so against hoeing around, when are you going to stop doing it?' You sass him.

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