Perfect family 💧 Bucky/ Steve (request)

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Song: Joel Adams - please don't go.

Imagine; you and Bucky are married and expecting a child when he gets send away leaving you in Steve's care. Then Steve gets send away and when Steve sees Bucky again, he tells him about Bucky's daughter.

Your clothes:

Your clothes:

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'My sisters will be with you Okay?, they will take care of you...I'll be back before you know it...'

You nod.

'I'll be back before this little gal gets born...'

'How are you so sure it's a girl?' You chuckle holding his hand while his other hand is on your huge stomach.

'Well Misses Barnes..I know a lot of's going to be a girl, just wait and see...I'm always right...'

'Yeah right...just like you said that wasn't Steve fighting in the alley the other day...'

'That boy is trouble...I need you to promise me one thing, can you please keep him from signing up?'

'Yes, I need his help when the baby is going to be here...I'll keep an eye on him I swear...'


'You don't have to keep up the act you know...I can see you're scared...'

'Me scared?, never.'

'James...I am your wife...I can see things..'

'Yeah like thins that aren't there...' he mutters.

'You better watch it or I'll hurt you more than the Germans will...' you joke.

He pulls you close and you lay your hand on his cheek, he closes his eyes and leans into your touch. A single tear slides down his cheek and you rub it away.

'I'll be here when you get back Okay?, I'll always be there when you get back...and your sisters will help me and I'll be okay...just worry about know Rebecca loves children, Dorothy knows a lot about health and Ruth...well she will be there too..sometimes...'

'Yeah, the paper never sleeps and she wants to become a journalist so bad...'

'Wonder who gave her that idea...' you chuckle fixing his hat.

'If I would've knows I'd be shipped off so soon I wouldn't have suggested it...'

You stand in your toes and you kiss his lips while he wraps his arms around you, kissing back almost feverishly.

'I love you...'

'I know...'

[four months later]

'Rebecca could you hold her for a second?' You ask Bucky's sister.

'Of course! I love to hold Anna...' she takes the little raven haired girl from your arms and she cuddles up in Rebecca's.

'I swore to him that I wouldn't let you get shipped off...but now you're like twice your own size and a literal weapon...if he gets angry just blame it on me...but be careful please...'

'I will don't worry...'

'You both tell me not to worry and yet you keep doing things that worry me...' you joke as you hug him.

'If I see him I'll show him what a perfect little girl he has...'

'Well don't put weight on the girl part because he will be cocky about it when he gets back...he already said it would be a girl...'

'Take care of yourself okay?'

'Pff like you have to tell me that...'

'See you around girls...I'll tell Bucky everything...'

'See ya...' the three girls say before Steve climbs on the vehicle ready to take him to the airport together with some other soldiers.

Rebecca pops up next to you and hands Anna back to you. You look at the little miracle in your arms that you and James both created and she smiles up at you.

She has Bucky's eyes and your raven black hair, she's gonna be quite the heartbreaker when she gets older, just like her father used to be before you came along.

After a while Steve finally ran into Bucky while saving him from a base. He took all the men back and as soon as they were alone, Steve popped out a picture of you with Bucky's daughter.

'A girl...I knew it..' Bucky grins as he holds the picture between his fingers.

'She said you would react like that...she has your eyes according to her...raven black hair...beautiful face...'

'What's her name?' He asks still staring at the picture.

'Anna May Barnes..'

'Beautiful...' he smiles.

She hasn't smiled much in the past few months, constantly worried about something happening to you and the baby...with his sisters...but now that he knows you're okay and that he was right about it being a girl he has the power to smile again.

He knows that the perfect family will be waiting for him when he gets home. He had something to fight for and that he will.

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