Stucky!daughter (request)

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Song: Post Malone ft. Swae Lee - sunflower.

Backstory: Steve and Bucky adopted you from India, and Peter is your adopted brother and he's getting picked on because of you.

I'm sorry this took so damn long!

'Peter?, you okay?' You ask him as you walk into his room.

His room is empty and dark, but then you notice his bathroom light is still on, so you make your way over and slowly push open the door.

'Pete?' You ask and he glances at you before returning his gaze to himself in the mirror.

'What happened today?, after school you didn't show up in the parking lot, I had to walk home...'

'Yeah sorry bout that...I uh...I left to go home early and I forgot to call you, I'm so sorry....' he says putting a wet rag against his left eye.

'It's okay,... so... you gonna tell me what happened or...'

'Y/n, I'm really not in the mood to talk about this...' he sighs and you shake your head when he turns to leave.

'You're not leaving the bathroom until you tell me what happened...' you say leaning against the doorframe.

'No, y/n, c'mon... step out of the way so I can go to my room... I'm tired and I want to sleep now can you please go?'

'Tell me who gave you the shiner.. Peter...'

'None of your business y/n, let me through...' his tone becomes more stern and he does not look happy.

'Tell. Me.' You order and you keep repeating it until he finally interrupts you by yelling.

'ITS BECAUSE OF YOU OKAY?!' He yells and you startle.

You step out of his way, he brushes past you and you can't get a word out of your mouth.

'It's because of you, they pick on me because of you...because we're freaks... because you're not an American...' he explains as he sinks onto his bed.

'What?' You ask, your tone is hurt but also soft.

'Brad finds it necessary that every time he says some shit about you and I stand up to him, to just hit me until I either pass out or I beg him to stop...' he admits and you sit down next to him.

He can't bare to look at you, so instead he just keeps his gaze on his feet, the rag still cold against his eye.

'How long has this been going on?' You ask him, trying to look him in the eye.

'A couple of months...I don't really know-'

'Why didn't you tell me?' Your tone is stern and it makes him look up to you, finally.

'Because I don't want you to worry okay?, he's just some dick and I can handle him...'

'Yeah sure you can, the bruise on your eye really ensures me you can...' you reply sarcastically.

'God I'm so sorry...' you wrap your arms around him and he sighs as he returns the gesture.

'I know something that will cheer you up, if you're up for it?' You let go and he nods.

'I could use some distraction right now...'

'Good...' you smile.

'I know that look, y/n what are you planning?' He frowns at you as he slowly backs away.

'Relax Pete...we will go and have dinner....we will take dads car...'

'The brand new Mercedes?, you got the keys?'

'Of course...but let's just say they didn't lock it up good enough...'

Eating peacefully was the plan.

You were gonna eat dinner with Peter, MJ, Ned and Betty. At least that was the plan until those assholes entered the diner together with Brad.

You saw their whole body language change, they became scared, they tried to avoid contact and you could very well understand why, those guys must've terrorised Peter and his friends for years.

But this time you're not letting them get away with it, talk about you?, that's fine. Talking about Peter and his friends and hurting them?, bad... very bad.

'Y/n...' Peter whispers, but still you don't look away from Brads eyes.

You're having a total staredown. You're slowly sticking in your fries as you keep looking at him.

And then he stands up and walks over to your table. Wrong move, fucker.

'Do I have something on my face or something?, you keep fucking staring at me!, what the hell is your problem?!' His sudden rage only makes you laugh.

'You wanna know what my fucking problem is?' You chuckle as you stand up.

'Y/n...' Peter warns you with a hiss.

'You keep picking on my brother and his friends, then I find out you hit him... well let's just say that I don't really agree to you doing that...' you cross your arms.

'Oh really?, and what were you gonna do about that?, those freaks have it coming, and now so do you...' he threatens you, but it only makes you smirk even more.

'I suggest you leave them alone... and me with it, else I'm afraid you're gonna have to eat through a tube for the next few months...'

'What did you wanna do huh?, run back to your dads and cry?, you gonna do that Princess?' He asks and right then and there, you make a fist and punch him straight in the babymaker. Or what used to be a babymaker, because that thing ain't working anymore now that's for sure.

'You'll leave them alone...or I'm gonna get really pissed...understood?' You ask.

He lets out a high pitches whine before he nods, he's desperately trying to hold in the cry he's about to let out. 

'You can talk shit about me, yeah it's true I'm not an American, that just proves that an Indian girl is a lot tougher than she looks, and can break every single bone in your body without even breaking a sweat, so you'll get out of here right now, and you bring your little puppy's with you, before I stick you all down the garbage disposal, AM. I. CLEAR?' You shove him away and he falls right on the floor.

'Let's get out of here she's crazy!'

'NOBODY MESSES WITH MY FAMILY!' You yell after him.

Someone behind you clears their throat and you turn around, your smile faltering the second you see who it is, or rather who they are.

'Do you mind telling us what that was about and why our car wasn't in the garage anymore?' Bucky asks and you gulp. 

'Uhhhh....' you fiddle with your hands.

You may not be scared of Brad and his friends, but you sure as hell are scared of your dads when they're not happy with something. Mostly for the stuff you do.

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