Just like a princess 💧 Loki

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Song: Patrick Doyle - La Valse de L'amour

It's my birthday so you'll get a longer update than usual!, maybe even two!, enjoy!

Imagine: you're a princess and you are to be wed to someone else, but you go against your parents by choosing a man of your liking.

Your regular clothes:

Your regular clothes:

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Your dress:

Your dress:

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'Y/n, I would like for you to meet your future husband, Steven Rogers...' your mother chirps and you just politely smile as you courtesy for him.

He takes your hand in his and kisses your knuckles, he's clearly nervous, he seems like a sweet man, but the truth is, he's not the man you want to marry.

'Why don't we leave you two to talk shall we?, you go and lead him around the palace...' She smiles and you nod while your smile fades away.

Both the parents walk away, busy talking about the huge wedding that is being held in two weeks, about the huge ball tomorrow to show off the bride and groom to be.

Steven offers you his arm and you hesitantly take it. Wrapping yours around it and taking steps forward.

'You don't really want this do you?' He asks.

'If I made have you the impression that I do not want this I am sorry-'

'It's fine because I do not want this either, do not get me wrong, you're every mans dream just...not mine...'

'I beg you pardon?' You ask frowning as you two walk over to the balcony which looks over the whole garden.

'I'll explain....I mean you are a pretty girl and a lovely princess, and believe me when I say you'd make an incredibly Queen, the man who is to stand beside you is the luckiest man in the world but I...I have my heart set on another...'

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now