The Hunger Games AU -> revolution (pt.4)

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Song: barnacle boi - don't dwell.

(I changed things a little bit, everyone can be picked for the hunger games not only children from 12 to 18 but from 12 you can be picked)

(Also, not every team has a mentor in the games, because not every district has a winner anymore, and the group who already joined you consists out of: Tony, Pepper, Peter, Shuri, Natasha, Steve, Sam and Carol)

You haven't been able to sleep at all, even though you weren't the one that had to watch everyone else, you couldn't close your eyes.

Every time you did you see all the people you've lost, Bucky, Cinna, the people you've killed in the previous games.

'Don't forget what you're fighting for....who you're fighting for..' you can hear his voice in your head repeating it over and over again, making you go insane.

You look around, seeing everyone asleep. The person keeping watch, a guy named Tony, is watching over everyone.

You take out your necklace and you fiddle with it, remembering where you got it from.

'Close your eyes mommy!' Coraline says as she climbs on the bed.

You chuckle as you cover your eyes and you move one finger so you can look at her.

'No peeking!' She screeches and you chuckle and move the finger back so you can't see her.

'Okay okay...' you reply.

'!' She says and you drop your hands.

You open your eyes and you see her holding up a necklace, it's a circle with two hands engraved in it. The hands are doing a pinky promise.

'I got one for you and for me, Auntie Effie helped pick them you like it?', the hands are doing a pinky promise because we always do that...and you and dad used to do it...'

'I love it...' you smile at her as you take the necklace and put it around your neck, then moving to put her necklace around her neck.

'Happy birthday mommy...'

'Thank you doll...' you wrap your arms around her and start kissing her face until tears stream down her face from laughing.

You smile at the memory, god do you miss her, you haven't seen her since last week. You haven't heard from her due to the fact that Snow would be able to know where she is.

You're aware she's watching the feed, everyone does. You're also aware she might see you kill people or get killed, but you need her to see you and what you're trying to accomplish here.

'How old is she?, your daughter?' Tony asks.

'6... almost 7...' you answer as he sits down next to you.

'You got that from her?' He points to the necklace you're putting around your neck again and you nod.

'Yeah...was a birthday present from a few months ago..a pinky we give each other all the time...'

'You used to that with Bucky right?, I saw when you were in the gave each other the pinky promise...'


'It was quite emotional if I may say so...'

'Tony...' you cut him off staring at the now thick mist flowing over the ground towards the sleeping group.

'Really heartbreaking-'

'Tony look!' You turn his face by grabbing his chin and making him look at the mist.

'Shit...I've seen this before...EVERYONE GET UP AND RUN NOW!' He yells waking the group.

'Haymitch come on...we gotta go...' you pull him to his feet.

As you push Haymitch to move, the fog touches your hand. You feel the burning sensation spread over the palm making you scream out.The fog makes your hand burn and it creates little bumps on your hands.

'Water helps!, try to go back to the beach!' Tony yells.

You start running, you have to. The ground doesn't make it easy but you have to keep moving. Then your foot gets stuck under a root and you fall down.

'C'mon..y/n get up, I'm not gonna let you die here c'mon..' Carol helps your up, exposing her own back to protect you.

She swallows her screams and pushes you forward making you tumble off of the hill you've been trying to run off of.

'Don't worry about me...'

'Carol!' You yell as you hear the canon go off.

You roll further until you come to a stop in the water, a puddle in the middle of the jungle where everyone is now desperately trying to rub off the remains of the mist from their skin.

'Y/n...' Haymitch grabs ahold of you and helps you clean the little bumps off of your skin.

'Where is Carol?' Sam asks looking around, his breathing speeding up as he notices she's not with the group.

Sam's eyes lock with yours and you avert your eyes as everyone gets quiet. He steps back and you can see the anger that sarts to flood his eyes.

'she helped you didn't she?, she went back for you..' he spits at you as he moves through the water.

You stand up and push Haymitch aside before Sam reaches you.

Sam wraps his hand around your neck and you wrap your hands around his arm to prevent him from squeezing.

'She went back to help you!'

'I didn't ask her to...' you try to speak but he ends up squeezing anyway.

'She saved you...why?!'

'I don't....I..don't...know...' you struggle to breath now, he  squeezes more and more.

'Let her go are allies...' Steve comments while your eyes start rolling back.

'Hey I said let her go!' Steve comments again but this time he steps forward together with Tony.

They start prying him off of you and hold him back while you sink down into the water.

'Get her before she drowns!' Tony yells.

Pepper, who just happened in to stand behind you, pulls you out of the water and drags you to the side.

'She's not breathing...' She looks at the group, her eyes in total panic.

'She's not breathing!'

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