Sibling trouble 💧 Tony

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Song: Coldplay - paradise.

A/n: requests are still open so please send them!,

I also wanted to say that I love you all for reading!

Imagine: you're Tony's little sister, you've been locked up since the car crash December 16 1991, now you break free to help him fight Thanos using your power.

'Tony!, Tony!' You yell upset. 'Don't leave me here please!, it wasn't me!, it's not my fault!' You start to cry.

'You're the only one with the psychic abilities here     y/n!, you swerved that car of the road or startled dad while he was driving!'

'I didn't!' You start to cry even harder. 'Tony don't leave me please!, you're all I have left!' You try to grab his arm but he steps back.


'I'm sorry y/n...but I can't...'  he replies before walking out the cell.

This was about 20 years ago, you're 35 now and you've spend all this time, locked up in a cell at shield headquarters.

No visitors, no contact with anyone but the guards. Nobody is even interested in you, and to be honest you're not interested in anybody else either.

You just spend the days exercising, meditating to keep your powers under control and you use your powers to just fantasise how things could've been.

Even after they found out Bucky caused their deaths, Tony still wouldn't visit you. You wouldn't really blame him, you hated yourself already and he wouldn't really help with that either.

Tony's reason for not visiting was the fact that he had falsely accused you, had you locked up for twenty plus years and hadn't spoken to you ever since. He was afraid you wouldn't want to see him, you have a good reason if that is the case.

He needs you, he knows that.

In order to defeat the Titan and restore everything to the way things were he needs you to help him. But he's just too afraid to go.

'I don't know...she's going to be mad I know-'

'Tony Stop it right this second or I will....She's your sister...' Natasha replies as she crosses her arms.

'And I...I left her behind like she was trash...'

Pepper takes his hand in hers and squeezes to assure him everything will be okay.

'Daddy stop!' Morgan huffs as she tries to act just like her auntie Nat.

She crosses her arms and makes an angry face while looking at the doors.

She heard stories about you..nice stories, she can't wait to meet you, her badass aunt.

'Here she comes...' Tony says, his heart sinking when he sees you walking out into the sunlight.

You cover your eyes, you haven't been out in more than 20 years, it's gonna take some getting used to, and this isn't even all the daylight, this is just a hallway with a lot of windows.

You can see four people standing on the end of the hall. Three adults and one kid, around 5 years old.

As you're getting used to the daylight you slowly start taking step by step in their direction, subconsciously moving your hands, channeling your power through your body. Your body obviously sees them as threatening.

You stop cold in your tracks when you see Tony, he has aged of course but you'd recognise that face anywhere.

Tony visibly swallows as he takes a couple steps forward, his confidence suddenly going down the drain as he sees how much you've grown.

He waits for you to make a move. And you can tell that from the way he's looking at anything except you.

Tears fill your eyes as you put one foot in front of the other, it takes only three steps to reach him.

'Tones..' you breath as you wrap your arms around his frame.

'Y/n...' he closes his eyes and wraps his arms around you, returning the gesture.

'You came...' you speak up and he nods.

'I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...' he apologises over and over again before you unwrap yourself from him again and look at his tear stained face.

'Do you ever think I would ever blame you?' You speak up.

'Yes, he did!' Morgan yells and Pepper glances at her.

Tony chuckles and you chuckle with him.

'Is she yours?' You ask he nods.

'Hi auntie y/n..' she smiles at you as she hugs your leg.

You haven't felt happiness in a long time, but this was a huge step in the right direction.

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