Dancing queen 💧 Sebastian Stan

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Song: Bazzi - I.F.L.Y.

Imagine; you and Sebastian are together in the next big movie and in the Falcon and the Winter Soldier. You two have an interview about the new movie on the Graham Norton show.

Your dress:

Your dress:

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'Aww look at you two so happy....' Graham comments and you smile at Sebastian holding your hand.

'I hate it..' he finishes and you all laugh.

'Sooooo, lets get some juicy stuff out of you two, you're playing in the new big movie of this summer....it's called "Moon Dance", tell me something we all must know about this movie...'

'Well...it's a movie about a girl and a boy who both are very good dancers...but they're in competing dance schools, and they fall in love...and it's a rollercoaster really..' you chuckle.

'How lovely, and is that how you two got together like a lot of couples?, just play together and actually end up falling in love?'

'No not really, for me it was love at first sight but for her not so much...'

'Really?' Graham says surprised.

Sebastian looks at you and his grip on your hand tightens as he laughs.

'Yeah but I'm glad it worked out in the end...I mean, at first I found him a little odd, but then we started hanging out more and more, then I got casted for another character for a marvel show and then we ended up together...'

'Let watch two fragments, one is of the movie "Moon Dance" where you play a girl named Angel and Sebastian plays a guy named Jack, and one of of the new Show "Falcon and the Winter Soldier", where Sebastian of course plays Bucky, and you play a girl named Marissa.

'It's not what you think!' Jack walks after Angel.

'Then what is it Jack?, I risked everything for you!, I couldn't dance If I was with you so I chose to leave them, so I could be with you!, YOU!' Angel turns around and pushes her finger into Jacks chest.

'I quit the thing I love most for you!, and then when I leave you alone for one damn second you're already moving to another girl...'

'She missed me I swear!, I tried to push her off!'

'And just like that I'm supposed to believe you?, I trusted you!, on more than one occasion...'

'Just stop and wait for a second okay?, I didn't want to kiss her you're the only one I ever want to kiss...'

'I thought you were different...turns out you're just like the rest...' she replies, hurt clear in her voice.

'Please don't leave...'

Angel turns around and starts walking away.

'We need help Sam...'

'I know that Barnes!, that's why we're going here...'

'A car repair shop?'

'Yeah, I've got a friend here....she can be a huge help...'

The pair walks into the repair shop while Marissa is under a car repairing it.

Sam cracks a smile as he moves up to the car she's working under.

He gives a firm slap to it making you startle and bump your head.

'God damnit!' You yell as you slide from under it.

'Jesus Wilson you trying to kill me?' You say as you get up.

'Just trying to speed things up...' he smiles as you hug him.

'Who's the other guy...' she turns to Bucky.

'Bucky Barnes ma'am...'

'Nice to meet you...so Wilson..what do you need now, we both know you always need something when you come here...'

'We need a place to lay low...and we need a friend who isn't trying to kill us...'

'Well...you're lucky I just threw Sean out of the house...forever, so I got a few beds to crash on...'

'Cool...' sam smiles but Marissa is looking the other way, at Bucky.

'Cool...' she smiles at him.

'Jesus Christ...what is it with you...' Sam comments about Bucky.

'Wow, amazing isn't that amazing people?' Graham says and turns back to you.

'So how much fun was it working together?' He asks.

'Well it was probably more fun for us than for the directors because we were laughing and trying to make each other crack all the time...it must drive them nuts to be honest...'

'I just can't help it I just love her so much...' he smiles cheekily at you.

'Such a dork...' you laugh.

'I love you...'

'I love you too.' You reply to him and he chuckles at you.

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