Chased down (clingy pt.2) 💧 Steve (request)

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Song: Lana Del Rey - stargirl.

Imagine; you go to the woods with Steve, he can go for a run and you can use your power.

'I swear if you throw a stick I'm gonna loose it...' you glance at Steve as he's hunching over.

'I was joking of wanna lead the way?, maybe race for a bit?'

'You do know that even though you have this serum pumping through your veins, I'm a lot faster than you are?' You smirk. 

'Let's gets that theory because I don't believe you...' he smiles back and you chuckle.

'Catch me if you can...' you coo as you turn into your wolf form and start running through the woods.

'That's not an If.. doll...' he grins chasing after you.

You howl when you feel the wind against your snout. You hear so much clearer now, you almost forgot what it was like in this form.

'Damn!, you're a lot faster than I am sweetheart, slow down!' You hear Steve yell and you howl again.

'Y/n?!, where are you?!' Steve yells out as he looks around the perimeter.

There's no sign of the human you nor the wolf side of you anywhere. Steve at first doesn't worry too much, you just went to far, you'll return right?

You hear Steve call out to you from a distance, you must've really wandered off. You should head back. And that is exactly what you're planning on doing until you hear some ruffling behind you.

You slowly turn around, coming face to face with a very scared hunter aiming his shotgun at you.


'Shhh, shhh, it will be alright..' the hunter says as he gets closer, the long barrel of the gun is shaking.

You move back growling at him. If he does get any closer you're just going to scare him good, maybe take a few bites out of him.

'Y/n?!' Steve's voice gets closer, you just need to....

A gun goes off in the distance and that does worry Steve, especially because he swears he heard something like a yelp coming from an animal.

His breathing speeds up as he rushes through the woods trying to find you. He even goes through some branches without hesitation.

'Y/n?!' He calls out a few times.

'' you weakly respond, it might've been too quiet to even hear but thank god for the superhearing.

'Y/n!...oh god....' he kneels beside you and he turns your now human form, body around and he freaks out when he sees the blood soaking your shirt and dripping from your hand.

'I've been shot...' you grunt.

'Yeah no kidding y/n... I can see that...if I find that fucker I'm gonna-'

'Steve...I'm bleeding out here, your Alpha male behaviour can wait...' you gasp as a wave of pain hits you again.

'We need to get you to a hospital, c'mon I'll carry you...'

It hurts, getting the bullet out was the worst pain you've ever experienced in your life, you weren't as used to pain as you were when you were experimented on.

But luckily Steve was right by your side, and you have to say, that blue robe and the mouthpiece, he looked absolutely adorable.

'Steve...I'm fine...' you chuckle as he's squeezing your hand.

'Don't you ever run off on me again...' he kisses your knuckles and you roll your eyes.

'Are you serious Steve?, you're just jealous I can run faster than you...' you joke. 

'You're not funny...'

'I'm a little funny...'

'Okay you lovebirds. What happened?' Brice asks as he makes his way into the hospital room.

'Uhhhh...' you both reply as you look at each other.

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