Slapping in memories 💧 Steve

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Song: The Neighbourhood - crybaby.

Imagine: Steve comes back from his mission, badly injured, when he wakes up he doesn't remember you, only his ex Sharon, who just so conveniently stands by his side.


If you know what my inspiration was for this chapter, comment it here!.

Now on with the chapter!

Your life went to a complete stop after you got the one phonecall you've been dreading your whole life.

He was badly injured on a mission, it was just a mix of bad weather and too many bad guys in too many places. It was just a poor plan.

The doctors are convinced he will wake up, you have no idea when so you spend all your time, everyday, by his side, holding his hand and just rubbing your thumb over it to elicit some kind of reaction, but obviously failing to get one.

'How is He?' Sharon asks walking in, making your face harden.

Everyone always favoured Sharon over you, that's just the way it is. Not the team though, but Steve's family. His mother likes Sharon way more than she likes you.

'Look I know you're not really in the mood to talk...'

'Really?, wow What gave you that idea?, why are you even here Sharon?, haven't you done enough?' You snarl at her.

'His mom send me to look after him..'

'Of course she did...well it's not necessary..I'm you can just crawl back to that cave You came from...'

'You don't have to be so mean...'

'You tried to poison me because were together, you tried to make it seem like he was cheating, I don't believe there's anything you haven't done to drive us apart!'

'Nnggh..' Steve suddenly moves and you gasp.

'Steve?, baby?' You ask as you rise from your chair and stand next to his bed just as he opens his eyes.

First they focus on you. Confusion spreads across his face, why? 

'I'm so glad you're-'

He interrupts you, something he's never done before.

'I'm sorry who are you?' He asks confused and you frown at him.

' its me...y/n...' you stutter at him as you cup his face. He dodges you and looks past, his eyes landing on Sharon.

'Sharon...' He starts smiling, that's also something you wouldn't expect from him after the last fight he had with her.

' are you feeling?' She roughly shoves you aside as she takes your place.

You feel an ache in your chest, he doesn't remember you. He doesn't remember that he asked you to marry him on the Fourth of July. He doesn't remember having a relationship, he doesn't remember anything, not anymore.

You don't know what to do, tears are already threatening to spill from your eyes. So you do the only logical thing you can think of, you bolt.

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