I will always look after you 💧 Natasha (request)

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Song: Coldplay - Yellow.

Imagine; you're 15 years old and you live in the tower, you're very shy so when you get some terrible news, nobody notices that you're hurt except Natasha.

Want a laugh?

Type in: hail-hydra.com

And laugh your ass off like I did. Comment your reaction but don't spoil it !

It was rare that you'd hang out with everyone, in the common room, with all the avengers present, but it happens, just like right now.

You're wedged in between Wanda and Natasha, the only two women you really trust, well you trust Nat more. You don't know why, maybe because she comes off as the mother o the group, or just her vibe. Everyone seems intimidated by her, but not you.

You're more intimidated by the others, you're just like Natasha, you don't have superpowers, you're just an incredibly good spy.

And to her, you're her daughter, she teaches you everything she knows, she does fun stuff with you like shopping, she makes you feel like a teenager.

You only ever had one mother figure in your life, your grandmother, she took care of you when nobody else would, after escaping the KGB, she took you in until she had to go to a nursing home.

Luckily Nat found you that same day and took you in. She helped you take care of your grandmothers housing and other business that needed to be taken care off.

Lately she hasn't been doing so well, started getting sick and forgot important things. It bothers you and Nat can tell.

You didn't expect the call, but it came, just as you reached the climax of the movie, your phone rings, revealing the number of the nursing home she is in.

'I have to take this...' you comment before getting up and walking to the kitchen.

Nat keeps her eye on you as you pick up.


'Miss y/l/n?'

'Yes that's me...' you reply shaky.

'I'm sorry but your grandmother passed away in her sleep this afternoon...were sorry for your loss...'

Natasha turns her head to see your hand clasped over your mouth. You're trembling and her mind connects the dots within a couple seconds. Your grandmother.

You can't bring out anything, no words come out even though you're trying.

'I will let it sink in and I will call you back tomorrow to go over everything...my condolences...' the nurse hangs up and you rush to your room.

Natasha jumps up and rushes after you but she's too slow to make it to your door before you lock it. Shutting everyone out.

'Y/n?, honey?, what's wrong?' She asks knocking on the door.

All she hears is sobs and sniffs coming from the other side. She thinks you can't even hear you because of how loud you're crying.

'Y/n...sweetie... let me in.. please...whatever has upset you so much... you shouldn't be alone...' she knocks on the door again.

This time she actually got you to debate wether or not you should open the door. She's right and you hate to admit that you really need her right now, even though there's a very small part inside of you that doesn't want to open the door and be alone.

You slowly get up and wipe some tears away before unlocking the door.

Natasha flies in and is quick to wrap her arms around you. You again begin to sob against her.

'What's going on y/n?' 

'She...she...she passed away...' you stutter, not quite being able to form the correct words.

'Oh no... y/n I'm so sorry...' she holds on tighter. 'I'm here okay?, I'm here for you..whatever you need...'

You can't believe that she's gone, even though you're standing here staring at her grave, you can't believe she's really gone. Even after two weeks.

The tears ran out a while back, there's no water left in your body to form any tears and at least you know she isn't hurting anymore. She's with your grandfather now.

'Hey kid...' you feel an arm wrap around your shoulders.

You turn to lean your head against her shoulder as you let out a sigh.

'How are you doing?' Nat softly asks.

'Still sucks...I'm gonna miss her... besides you, she was the only mother I ever had...' you reply.

'She left one wish into her will, something she wanted to happen..'

'what did she want to happen?' You ask confused, how haven't you seen this yet?

Natasha pulls a large envelope from her inside pocket of this long black cot she keeps for special occasions. She hands it to you.

You take it form her and hastily open it. Your eyes scan over the paper and it takes a second to process. 'You're kidding ?' You ask, a little hurt mixing in it.

'Absolutely not...' she softly smiles.

'You're adopting me?' Somehow now your body started up the waterworks again, because your vision gets blurry.

'Your grandmothers wish, was for me to become your legal mother... we talked about it a lot but I said I wouldn't as long as she was there.. I didn't find it fair so she put this in her will... who am I to deny her that?' She explains.

You laugh through your tears as you wrap your arms around her torso making her chuckle.

'What do you say we get out of here and have a nice meal to celebrate?, the team is already on their way and they don't know anything...it will be a big surprise...and I know how much you like surprising them...'

You nod against her and she laughs again, she stares at the gravestone and mouths a thank you. She knows how much your grandmother loves you, and truth is, Natasha was afraid to adopt you.

But your grandmother convinced her, she is determined to be the best mom you've ever had. One that was worthy of you.

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