Secretly married 💧 Tony (request)

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Song; Taylor Swift - lover.

Imagine; you're married to Tony in secret, but when you come to visit everyone keeps making comments and you decide to clear things up.

Your clothes:

Your clothes:

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'Do you think we made a mistake secretly getting married?' Tony asks sitting down next to you and you cock an eyebrow at him.

'What do you mean by that?, if I regret marrying you?'

'No, but like in secret, I haven't even asked you if I wanted a big wedding...'

'Don't you think I would've told you that before we got married?' You comment while turning back to your magazine you're holding.

'I don't know...I thought you always dreamed of having a huge dress and all...'

'Opinions change Tony...I have no family left that wants to be a part of my life and I don't want all that attention on me...I don't like being the centre of attention...'

'Okay..' he sighs wiping his imaginary sweat off of his forehead.

'Wait do you?'

'Course not this was my idea...' he laughs. 

'Okay well, if something is bothering you just tell me okay?'

'Well I would like the team to know...'

'Then tell them I don't mind...' you suggest while putting the magazine down on your lap.

'How about we tell them tonight?, you and me both?, I could hold just a small gathering...'

'Small?, except for the wedding nothing is small with you Tony...'

'True but this time I mean it, just us and the team...'

'Fine, But I won't be there until nine tonight because-'

'You have that work thing...yeah I know...I keep track of your life too you know...'

'Friday just told you that didn't she?'

'No!, I knew that...' he defends himself and you can clearly see something in his ear.

'I can see it in your ear!, you liar!' You chuckle as you get up and you roll op the thick fashion magazine and you throw it at him while he just laughs at you.

'Have a good day at work honey!' He yells after you and you answer with a loud scoff making him smile to himself.

He really hit the jackpot.

'Thanks for picking me up...I was dying to get out of that conversation...he's such a jerk...' you sigh as you and Tony walk out of the elevator.

'Well I liked the look on his face when he saw me stepping into the office, then walking out with you...'

'I would love to see that face...'

'You can I had Friday record it..' he takes out his phone and you roll your eyes.

'You're unbelievable you know that...' you chuckle as you make him put away his phone.

'There they are!' Natasha yells grabbing everyone's attention.

You both get comfortable without showing much affection at first, you have a couple drinks, the topic starts to become more personal and then it happens.

'So how's the dating life Tony?' Natasha asks and you glance at him.

You see Tony getting uncomfortable and you give him a small nod.

'Well actually-'

'He and dating?!, he's a playboy Nat he won't commit!' Clint doubles over laughing and you frown at him.

'He's so irresponsible!, he can't even take care of himself let alone a woman...' Bruce cuts in.

You feel his grip on your hand tightening, you can see all kinds of emotions bottling up and trying to fight for dominance.

'He probably has three girlfriends at the same time without them know-'

'Okay that's enough!' You chime in and everyone stops talking and stares at you.

'First of all, Tony doesn't deserve this kind of treatment because he isn't a playboy or irresponsible... he can take great care of himself, second of all we're actually married, and we wants to tell you tonight...and the call yourself his friends?. When you talk like this about him?' You stand up and pull Tony with you.

'Lets go...' you say and he nods.

You two leave the now silent group behind, making your way to the garage.

'Why do you defend me?' He asks once you're seated in the car.

'Those things about you aren't true...and if they talk to you like can't call them friends...not really...'

'I love you...'

'I love you too... and I'll stick with you forever...I promised it to that's what I'm gonna do...stick with you...' you gently rub your thumb over his cheek and he smiles at you.

Yeah, he really hit the jackpot with this one.

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