Natasha - (1/3 shots)

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Song: Doja Cat - boss bitch.

Imagine; Catching Nat while she is changing and seeing something awful.

Something has been off about Nat, she has been avoiding you and she wears long sleeves, which wouldn't particularly be weird, if it wasn't in the middle of the summer.

You also notice that she's particularly drawn back whenever this boyfriend of hers is around, Ivan or something shady like that.

At first you thought that someone so strong as Natasha could never be abused like that but then when you walked in on her changing, you saw the scars, the bruises, they couldn't be from a mission.

Your mind at first kept making up excuses just like the ones that came out of her mouth whenever you'd ask about something. But then you started piecing things together, you found out that Natasha Romanoff is being a victim of abuse, and has been for several months.

But not for long if it's up to you, you've always had this thing against Ivan, he's a cocky, selfish, ugly son of a bitch who thinks he owns the place.

He may have crooked teeth, but you'll set them straighter than the orthodontist ever could.

You have one rule for everyone who tries to date your loved ones. Break your loved ones and you'll come to break them.

Which ends you up in the dark living room of Ivan's apartment, Natasha may be the best spy in the world, but you're crazier than any villain you ever encountered, you found his address with ease.

But back to the sitting in the dark living room. You're casually sitting in the large chair, a knife twirling between your fingers. The streetlights reflects on it, he could easily spot you, but you don't really care. You're here for a good time, not a long time.

Then the front door opens and closes, keys are being tossed into the bowl and you hear him take off his coat and shoes.

'Yeah man, she is driving me crazy!' Ivan says loudly, he's clearly on the phone.

'No I'm not gonna break up with her, have you seen her?, she's a total babe...except for when she's crying...she's annoying as hell...' he walks into the living room.

He stops in his tracks when he sees you sitting there, the moonlight reflecting on your face, he can only see your eyes and occasionally the knife passing the light.

'I gotta go...' he says before ending the call.

'What the fuck are you doing here?' He asks switching on the light. 'How did you get in?!'

'I let myself else?' You reply as you rise from the chair. 'Tell me Ivan...I gave you one simple rule...I know you remember it...'

'If this is about Nat-'

'Oh it's definitely about Natasha...see I told you something very specific, I told it with so much detail in the hope that it would prevent you from hurting her...and I mean I clearly didn't press it enough because here we are.... so maybe I should just repeat this to you... very slowly and very painfully...'

'YOU CRAZY BITCH AAAAH!' Ivan screams, fighting against the restraints tying him down to the chair.

'You're lucky I don't break your neck...I'm nice like that...' you grin.

'You're a psycho, just wait until the news hears about this...'

'Honey I could care less what the press thinks, I think they'd even be more interested in you, and how you abused Natasha Romanoff...' you make a fist and punch it into his jaw.

'You're gonna confess, you're gonna apologise...or I'm going to come back, to haunt you until you're scared that I'm gonna be around the corner or in your house.. and trust me, what I am doing to you now is nothing compared to what I will do if I ever see your face in the compound again...DO YOU UNDERSTAND?'

'Yes!, yes I understand!, please let me go pleaheassse!' He begs while he starts crying.

'Oh that's just....that's just pathetic..' you mutter as your face contorts in disgust as you take out your phone. You take a picture and right then you hear knocking on the door.

You walk over to the door and see cops standing there, waiting for you to let them in. You open the door and you point to the living room.


'NO NO, YOU ALREADY DID ASSHOLE!' You yell back as you walk to your car.

'I have to say that even though I don't always agree with y/n's... approach... I do agree with this one...' Steve says.

'Oh my god this is just what he deserves!' Wanda laughs as she looks at the picture she got send to her earlier that evening.

'You should've seen the look on his face when he came in the room, he acted all tough but he was scared as hell...'

'I'm sure he will lay off of Tasha for a while...' you reply.

'Yeah because he will be recovering in the hospital you freak...' Tony speaks up.

'I should've snapped his neck but hey, I do have some empathy...'

'Remind me to never get on your bad side geez...' Bucky grins.

'Y/n...did you do this?' Natasha asks as she holds up her phone, displaying the very graphic image of Ivan.

It gets awkwardly silent in the room, everyone is carefully waiting for Natasha's reaction.

'Yes...' you admit and she rushes over to you and wraps her arms around you.

'Thank you...' you can feel her shake.

'Anytime Nat... people don't just fuck with my family and leave like nothing happened... they get what they deserve...'

'You crazy woman...I don't know what I would do without you...'

'Same here...' you smile .

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