Bet on it part 3 (end) 💧 Bucky/Steve.

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Song; Marina ft. Luis Fonsi - baby.

'Buckyyyyyy...' you whine.

'Yes doll?' He asks with a smirk on his face.

'Can you help me get up?' You ask and he nods as he makes his way over to your bed and swiftly picks you up without hurting you too much.

He then puts you on your feet and you wince, he lifts you off of your feet a bit until you signal him that he can let you stand.

'You good?' He asks and you hum.

'Let's go get something to drink for you...maybe have a little snack?'

'You know food always makes me feel better...I mean it's food...' you chuckle with him as you walk to the kitchen.

The pace isn't very fast, you still have trouble walking without anything hurting. The stitches were changed and that hurt a lot less than the first time stitching, you got an anaesthetic for that.

Bucky comes when you either text or call him if you need help, he'll even come running if you asked him to.

Your feelings for Steve may have passed now but your feelings for Bucky only grew stronger over the past few days.

While a Bucky's feelings only stayed the same, he always loved you and now he just feels like he has a chance.

'You want some juice y/n?' He sits you down on one of the high chairs.

'Yes please...but don't you dare add my medicine in there I could tell you did the last time and it almost ruined my drink..'

'Yes ma'am...' he grins as he moves over to the fridge.

'Talked to Steve-'

'I don't want to hear it.. ' you cut him off and he turns back around, handing you the drink.

'He's really sorry...'

'Well I don't care if he's sorry....I...that was my first time you know...' you confess.

'I can never take it back or have a do-over...he took that from me for a couple bucks...he really hurt me...'

Steve is on the other side behind the same wall you stood behind when you heard you were just a bet. He's listening to you now, he slowly starts to understand what he did and why you're so mad at him.

He slowly looks at you two in the kitchen, you're fiddling with the empty glass in front of you, talking to Bucky, laughing with him.

He can't help but feel jealous. He lost you as a friend and it hurts, he knows he can only blame himself for it, but still.

Then Steve's eyes go wide at the scene in front of him. Bucky is standing in between your legs as he's inching towards your lips. 

'I shouldn't...' Bucky sighs.

'Don't you dare...' you reply smiling before you pull him into a kiss.

'Funny how I never saw it until now...'

'What?' He chuckles.


'Well to be fair...I'm an introvert and I don't come out of my room much..'

'Thank you...for everything...' you softly smile.

'You're welcome, and I'd be happy to do it again if it meant getting a kiss like that from you...'

'Well there's another way to get those you know...'

'Oh really?'

'Take me on a date and you'll find out...'

'I'd love to..' he chuckles.

Steve can't help but feel this incredible pain in his chest, he lost both his friends, only pushing them together. This is exactly what he didn't want, he now knows for sure that he has feelings for you. but now he doesn't even get a chance to make it up to you.

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