The end you've always feared 💧 Natasha

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Song: Alessia Cara - here (Lucien remix)

Imagine; it's a surprise, I tend to do this because I have like no way of explaining the story as an imagine but enjoy.

"There cannot be peace without first a great suffering, the greater the suffering, the greater the peace. The end you've always feared, is's coming... and their blood will be on your hands...'"

'You promised me you'd lay off of them once I finished the last job...I thought your promises meant a great deal to you also promised you'd never mess up my face...a promise you didn't keep either...' you grin.

A deep red colour glossing over your teeth. He made quite the show of getting you to his nightclub. What is it with Russian mobsters and night clubs?

'One more job and you're out...all ties cut don't want them to find out about you right?'

'Depends on the job Abraham...'

'It's simple... Haranuka is bothering me...I need him gone and you're the only one he's actually afraid off...'

'I'm not going after the Japanese mob...then I'll never truly be done..'

'Then I'll just have to kill them one by one until I motivate you to cooperate with me...'

You're silent, debating wether you could kill them all right now, or you do the job and be somewhat free from all this crap.

'I heard you have a girlfriend...would be a shame if she died just like Jeannine did...wouldn't it...'.

'Fine!, fine...just don't do anything to her...'

'Keep in mind Miss Y/l/ long as Haranuka isn't laying dead on the floor...I could go after them...'

'I understand...'

' get have 24 hours...if he's not dead I will start shooting...'

'Y/n baby...I don't know what's going on but whatever it is...please just call me're scaring me.. whatever it is I can help you okay?...I love you...please call me back...'

A tear slips down your cheek as you end the voicemail. You can hear the fear in her voice. The way her voice trembles and the emotion in it. It breaks you.

You want to tell her everything, you want her to help you but you can't and you won't drag her into this too.

You press the call button and her number appears on the screen with your picture together. It gets picked up immediately but the line stayed quiet.

'Natasha...' you speak up.

'Y/ what's wrong...I found the note this morning and..and...'

'Natasha...I can explain but right now I need you to wait for me to get back Okay?'

'What's going on?, baby I need to know what's going on maybe I can help?'

'You can't...I'm just...fixing things...again I'll explain when I'm back...'

'If it's my fault then I'm sorry...'

'No no it's not your fault has nothing to do with you...I have to go...'

'No no please don't hang up!'

You hang up when you're standing in front of the building Haranuka is in.

You slide the phone into the large pocket of your long coat and you walk in.

'I'm here to see Mister's quite important..'

'Do you have an appointment?'

'Yuko...this wonderful lady doesn't need an appointment...' Haranuka says shaking your hand.

'Follow me please Miss y/l/n...' he offers and you walk into the elevator going up to the highest floor.

'You're here to kill me aren't you...' he asks sitting down in his office chair once you've reached his office.

'I am...' you reply.

'He threatened her didn't he?'

'Yes...' you sigh. 'If I had another choice I wouldn't pick this..'

'I know I know...I've been a pain in his ass and he is now ready to kill me off...'

'I'm sorry...I really am...'

'Save it y/'re like a daughter to me...and I knew this day would come eventually...I'm old...I'm ready to go...I would rather go at your hand than anyone else...'

'But know y/n, if anyone comes for you for this, it won't be won't be the person who will be in charge after I'm are always protected...know that it is him...know that you will never truly be done with him...'

'I'm coming for him next...'

'Good...I always knew someone would have the courage to go after give him hell you hear me?, you kill him slowly...let him feel the pain he made you feel...stalk him...scare him like he did with you...'

'I promise...'

'Then I suppose now is the time...' he gets out of his chair and moves to the balcony.

'Wait what are you doing?' You ask rising out of yours as well.

'I want you to have a life, you can't live it from jail..cameras you act like you don't know what is act your way out...'

He climbs into the ledge and you run to him, trying to grab him before he jumps. But you're too late. He's already falling down, no way off going back.

You hold onto the metal fence keeping you separated from the great height. You can hear his body colliding with the ground and some people screaming.

You start to cry and sob. He was like a father to you when nobody else would come close. He was never scared of you that was just an act.

You sink to your knees as you watch blood pool around his body.

'Y/n!, baby!' Natasha runs to you and immediately wraps her arms around you.

'Nat..' you breathe in relief as you wrap your arms around her.

'Where have you been?!, why are you covered in blood?!' She asks looking at you.

'It's not important...we're safe and that's what matters..'

'Good job y/n...I'll keep my word...for now...' Abraham speaks.

'How kind of you...' you reply sarcastically.

'You should be a little more careful how you talk to me...'

'Because I have eyes on everyone you will lose by o-'

You shoot him. Let him bleed out right there. You watch him bleed out just like you watched Jeannine bleed out after he shot her.

Then you kill everyone of the Russian mob present at the club. you wanted revenge and you got it. You wanted to be free too, and you were damn well made sure he wouldn't come back this time.

Marvel Imagines pt. 3 Where stories live. Discover now