I need you 💧 Bucky (request) (smut)

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Song: Chase Atlantic - tidal wave.

Imagine; you need blood to survive since you're a vampire, Bucky, who you have a crush on, is more than happy to help.

Smut...because clearly I don't do that enough 😂

It's a rainy day today, not that you notice it though, you've been keeping yourself locked up until the blood from the donors arrives.

You're hungry, more than you've ever been, and did to some kind of mistake, your blood takes at least two more days to arrive, meaning that every avenger currently in the tower, makes you want to sink your teeth in them and completely drain them.

So instead of risking it, you lock yourself in. Much to everybody's disappointment, you're the life in the tower, the person to talk to or with, they enjoy all the stories you have but now that's out of the question for at least a few more days.

A knock interrupts...well nothing really.

'Y/n?, you doing okay?'

You can smell him from behind the door, you try to cover your nose. God why does he our of all people have to check on you?

'Yeah, please go away...' your muffled voice barely reaches his ears.

'I just wanted to inform you that it's going to take even longer for the blood to be delivered...'

You can sense him reach for the doorknob. You shoot out of the bed and you press your hand against the door, preventing it from opening.

'Bucky...go...' you're heavily breathing at this point, it takes all your damn strength to not rip the door open and bite him.

'I want to help...I volunteer for you to feed on my blood...'

'You don't know what you're asking...'

'Yes I do...Bruce did some research and it's safe, I can't turn because of my serum, I wil barely notice my blood is gone, and you're hungry...' he explains.

'Really?, haven't noticed...' you audibly swallow, why won't he just leave?!

'I trust you y/n, you'll stop at the right moment...let me help you like you helped me all those times...'

You pace around the room, obviously not a good love since nothing is blocking the door, making him glide in and close the door behind him, securely locking it.

'Shit...' you use your shirt o cover up your nose again, the fear evident in your eyes as is the hunger.

'I can't just bite you buck that's not how it works...it will hurt way too much and I don't want to do it to you..'

'I'm sure there's something to make the pain...' he replies stepping towards you.

You think about it, you know how to madly he pain and feed, but you don't want to use him in that way, especially since you have the biggest crush on him, maybe after he I'll think it was nothing more than just casual...well...sex.

'There is...I can't see it in your eyes, don't lie to me...' he warns.

'I don't want to use you..'

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