I've always loved you (pt.3) 💧 Steve

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Song: One Republic - lets hurt tonight.


Those words have been ringing in your ears for almost a week after the huge fight you had with Steve.

All the love you had for him, that huge crush, all gone in one second. How can a man possibly fuck that up in one second you may ask?, well, walk in with another girl and you'll find out.

You have been avoiding everyone the past few days, some of the team are on a mission and the others, well you just don't know, you don't care to be completely honest.

You hear the phone ringing in the distance, you're convinced someone else will get it so you just stay seated in the living room while the phone continues to ring down in the kitchen.


'It's Captain Rogers ma'am, it's urgent he claims...'

You keep ignoring the ringing until it's driving you fucking crazy, so you powerwalk to the kitchen and you almost break the phone picking it up.

'What!' You snarl into it.

'Y/n, thank god you're there...' he almost slurs your name and you already know what time it is.

'Steve if this is another drunk dial I'm gonna hang up I've got better thing to do...'

'No y/n don't hang up...I seriously need your help...I...I kind of had a fight in a bar and...well Sharon just left with another guy...please...you're the only one there to pick me up...please?'

You're gonna regret this, this is so stupid, you're an idiot, but you're still willing to pick him up just because you want to show him that you have goodness in your heart.

'What bar?'

It's deadly silent, it's almost awkward even.

It's a heavy silence, it pressures down on both of you, maybe even more on Steve, he feels guilty that you had to come get him.

The alcohol is starting to burn up because of his fast metabolism, he's starting to sober up and he starts feeling more guilty by the second.

'I'm sorry...'

'Which part?' Your grip on the wheel tightens, but you don't look at him, not yet.

'Everything....New Years Eve being the one thing I'm regretting the most...' Your jaw tightens at the reference.

'And thank you, for coming to pick me up...'

'Couldn't just leave you, you're still my teammate...'

Your replies are short and Steve totally gets it, you don't really want tot talk but he's just trying to get things going again.

'You're bleeding...' you comment and he looks down at his hands.

'Fuck...sorry...I don't...I don't wanna bleed over the seats..'

'Open the dashboard, there's a rag in there...'

'Why do you have.....you know what nevermind...it's not like you want to talk to me...' that last part he mutters under his breath, he was so sure you wouldn't here him, but when he hears the leather of the wheel tightening, he knows you heard.

'No I don't wanna talk Rogers...I'm glad you caught that signal...Jesus Christ...' you curse.

'You could at least pretend that you actually care...'

'Oh like you did New Year's Eve, well I don't know how maybe you got some tips for me..'

'Why don't you want to talk like normal people do when they fight?'

'Because we're not normal!, and besides that what do you want me to say Steve?, I told you how I felt already and you did fucking nothing with it!, so could you just shut the hell up?!, I've had a long as week and I don't need your bullshit!' You yell and his eyes widen.

'Fuck!' You add as you punch the wheel.

'Hey, y/n..' he sighs when he sees you on the verge of a dam break. He reaches out to touch you but you flinch away.

'Don't fucking touch me...'

'Y/n I'm so-'

'Steve I swear to god if you don't want to end up on buzzfeed unsolved I would shut up right now...' you say as you drive into the large garage of the compound.

'Y/n just talk to me!'

'After everything you've said and done?, do you have any idea how toxic you actually are to me right now?' You rush out of the car, trying to beat him to the door but he's standing in front of you in a heartbeat.

'What do you mean?' He asks.

'Why do you keep calling me to help you?, why do you ask me for advice or why are you so desperately trying to  become friends again?'

'I don't kno-' he starts but you cut him off with a huff.

'Yes you do... it's because you know I can't say no to you, just like New Years Eve. You knew that when you called me this evening I would pick up, you knew that if you would put up this pained voice that I would come and pick you up...'

'I would never!'

'You can't get drunk Steve!, you may have had a real fight but you weren't drunk, tipsy maybe but not drunk...you're using me Steve and I'm done okay?'


'No, I've been used my whole life, by Zola and then Zemo... and just when I thought it had ended, when we became friends...you did the exact thing they did, only this time I was convinced it was different...'

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