You're mine 💧 Bucky

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Song; Coldplay - paradise.

Imagine; you gave birth to twins and one baby doesn't make it, on the other side a found baby gets delivered to the hospital and you take that child in with you.

'C'mon y/n,' Bucky squeezes your hand and helps you breathe through the hardest task you've ever had in your life.

You need to give birth to not one but two babies. Two supersoldier babies.

'First one is out!' The doctor says and you take a moment to rest.

You feel so exhausted, you've never felt this way. You know you should feel tired but this amount can't be good.

'Y/n, you okay?' Bucky asks and you lay your head back.

You smile at him to let him know you're okay, but that smile slowly fades when your eyes start to roll back.

'Y/n!, stay with me baby...stay with me...'

'Sir I'm going to need you to wait in the hall please?' The nurse gently pushes him out the door.

And then the waiting begins. Bucky waits for what seems like hours, until that door opens again, revealing the doctor, he doesn't look happy.

'We saved your wife but baby number two...he did not make it...'

Bucky's eyes tear up, he still has his wife but the baby is gone, it's almost unreal. Would the doctor prank him? Of course not, but this just seems so unreal to him.

'My wife, can I see her?' He asks and the doctor nods.

Bucky doesn't even wait for confirmation before entering the room and rushing to your bedside again.

You look absolutely drained from power and your face is pale. You look sick and he hates seeing you like this.

'She needs some rest..she will be sleeping for approximately two hours from now...'

'And the first baby?' Bucky asks as he glances at the doctor.

'She's perfectly healthy...if you want I could show her to you, she's with the other babies right now...'

'I'll be back in a second okay?' He kisses your head.

Bucky walks with the doctor to the room your little girl is being nursed in. The doctor places Bucky in front of the glass and then has to go for another patient needs his help.

'Which one is yours?' The firefighter standing next to Bucky says.

'The little girl with the purple blanket...' he smiles, knowing in the back of his mind that there should've been two. 'What about you?' He asks.

'Oh no I don't...we just saved a baby from the street, no records, no mother, we figured it was the best to just bring him to find a new home I guess...'

'Really?' Bucky asks as he looks at the mystery boy and his little girl.

(6 years later)

You're watching your kids play in the backyard through the kitchen window. They're playing in the large treehouse Buck build for them. Like they do every day after school.

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