Secret love song 💧 Tony (request)

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Song: Little Mix - secret love song.

Imagine; Tony is scared that if the world finds out you two are dating, you're going to be a target, so instead you hide it. But it's slowly eating you.




The headlines keep on coming as you scroll through the news.

Tony and you have been dating for a solid year, and up until this point, it hasn't bothered you that he purposely avoids being with you if you're in public, only as friends. He also takes women back home, and pretends to fall asleep right before she's about to go down on him.

It shouldn't bother you because he's trying to protect you. And it's not real so why should you be mad?

But tonight it was a different story because he went too far. He actually ended up with some hickeys, and the perfume of that woman was all in your bedroom.

It's like a wall you had to go through and it almost triggered your non existent asthma. (If you actually have me, I have a mild form, I'm sorry)

You tried to act like it didn't bother you, when his arms wrapped around you and pulled you close you acted like you were fine.

But then you saw the hickeys again, and the smell of the cheap perfume, nothing like you own when you're his girlfriend, is overwhelming all of the sudden.

So you push him away and make your way out of the bedroom and into the living room. And on the way all you can think about is that you can't do this anymore.

Pretend that there's nothing going on between you and Tony, having him pretend to sleep with women that give him hickeys and polute the air with their perfume.

'Y/n!, wait!, what's wrong?' Tony rushes after you.

'I can't do this anymore!' You blurt out turning around. Distress is written all over your face.

Tears prick in your eyes as you look at the man you have loved since the day you met him, three years back, the man it took two years to to tell you were in love with him.

'Do what?'

'Pretend!, I can't pretend that we're just friends, I can't stand here and watch all those women come and go, I can't stand the smell of their perfume and the marks they leave on you...I want to be that one woman, the woman you hold hands with, the one you kiss... in public and not just in the compound...' you're panting, you were just rattling, spitting everything out you've been holding in for the longest time.

'You know that for your own protection...'

'Yes I do Tony and it wasn't getting to me until today, until that last woman...she left hickeys over you Tony!, don't you understand how that would make me feel?'

'Of course I do and I tried to pry her off... I did!, we agreed on this y/n!'

'I KNOW!' You raise your voice at him, the tears slowly starting to make their way down your cheeks. 'But you get all the fun okay?!, you get to go out and act like the playboy you're painted as, while I'm stuck myself, most of the time the team isn't even here and I'm here on my own...and it hurts!'

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