Unraveling pt.2 💧 Steve/Bucky.

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Song: Billie Eilish - no time to die. (My baby made a song for a fucking James Bond movie...she's 18, just let that sink in)

Warning, this is gonna be very weird and graphic, I think..

Should we go after them already?' Bucky asks Steve as theirs watching from a distance.

'Not yet..'

'Then how long do we wait?, she ruined everything!' Bucky huffs angrily.

'Just have patience Buck...we need to catch her of guard, you do want it to be fun don't you?, we will make her so scared that she will lock everyone and everything out, except for us...'

'And how do you suggest we do that?, it's not like she doesn't look over her shoulder...she has gotten more careful...'

'You don't know her like I do...she lets her guard down real easy when she feels safe...and if I remember correctly, she watches her favourite show every Friday night...she won't even hear us...' Steve grins.


'A month after the horrible events, the city is quiet again now that the horrorcallers are locked up in the highly guarded SHIELD facility... the callers have allegedly killed 36 people in total including their own father...but now the city sleeps peaceful knowing they can't kill again..'

'Me too news lady...me too...' you grin as you're making a snack for yourself.

You hear a bang outside in your garden and you immediately raise your head. You're afraid to look, after what they did, you're afraid to see them standing there.

You hear the doorknob turning and you turn to look anyway, fear making you freeze in your spot. The door suddenly opens, you let out a scream before clutching your chest.

'Goddamnit you Jerk!, that's not fucking funny!' You yell as you slap him.

'I'm sorry!, I didn't want to scare you so I tried to come in silent, I didn't know you were in the kitchen..'

'It's okay...just gotta...catch my breath for a moment...god...' you let out a breathy chuckle as you grab the bowl of popcorn and make your way over to the couch with Tony following behind you.

'So what are we watching tonight?' He asks.

'I figured we could watch a movie or something, my favourite show isn't going to air until next week so..'

'Okay good, you pick a movie and I'll go hang up my coat really quick...'

'Okay...' you stuff some popcorn in your mouth as you go mindlessly scroll trough Netflix.

After what seems like ages, you hear someone walk up to you. You feel someone standing behind you and you grin.

'What's your favourite scary movie?' You assume its Tony.

'Tony we've been over this, it's not funny...'

'Who said anything about trying to be funny...' you now realise it isn't Tony, and you want to get up but the person pulls you back, placing a knife against your throat and holding you back by your hair.

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