The Hunger Games AU -> revolution (pt.5)

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Song: OneRepublic - rescue me.

'Help me She's not breathing!'

You slowly open your eyes to see a familiar face hovering over you.

'James?' You ask.

He's trying to say something, it looks like he's yelling at you while pushing on your chest. His mouth is moving but no sounds are coming out. He seems troubled, scared?, panicked?, you can't quite place it. He keeps pushing on your chest, it's like he's giving you CPR.

The longer you stare the more words you can decipher, he keeps repeating something over and over again.

"Breathe y/n...this is no place to die"

'Breathe?' You ask and at that moment everything stops and it's like you're punched back to reality.

You open your eyes and sit up straight while throwing out the water you breathed in. You cough out everything before looking around.

'Y/n....' Haymitch catches your attention.

'Yeah yeah...I'm okay...' you breathe steadying yourself by placing your hand on his shoulder.

'I thought I lost you kiddo...' he wraps his arms around you and you nod.

'What the hell were you thinking?!' He turns to Sam who's watching in complete horror of what he just did.

'I'm sorry...' he blurts out.

A scream fills the air for a brief moment and everyone gets out of the water and runs to the beach to look.

Another group of five people run to the water, they're covered in what seems to be blood.

Something seems wrong, one member of the group is carrying a girl. She seems to be dying as they run into the water.

'Tony!' The one carrying the girl yells.

'Shit!, Clint!, Wanda!' He yells as he starts running to them.

'can we trust them?'

'i think so, maybe possible new allies?, I heard Clint and Wanda are as angry at Snow as you are, if not, we'll kill them...' Haymitch whispers to you.

You run to the group just as everyone else does.

'what happened?'

'it started raining, but instead of water it rained blood... and then she started going crazy...' Valkyrie says as she walks into the water to clean herself.

'no Wanda c'mon... stay with me here..I already lost your brother I can't lose you too..' Clint begs.

'Wanda...' he tries to shake her awake but she's not moving or breathing anymore. That canon was for her.

It gets dead silent as you eye the girl. She's floating in the water now, Clint desperately holding onto her, hoping she will just magically wake up. But she won't, you know that.

'Clint you have to let go...' Tony says but he gets pushed away.

'YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!, HOW COULD YOU?, YOU HAVEN'T LOST ANYONE LIKE THIS YET!' Clint basically screams at the top of his lungs.

That is until he looks at you as you make your way into the water and towards him. He watches you, not sure if he should trust you or attack you.

You lay a hand on his shoulder and he looks at you, his expression softening and the crying begins once he lets go off her.

'I'm sorry...' You apologise.

'She was so young...and I raised her like she was mine, together with her brother...but I lost him already and now I have no one left...' he sobs as you take his hand and pull him out of the water.

'That's not true okay?, you've got're an ally right?' You ask and he nods in reply.

The sun starts to come up and in the sky appears one of the capitols planes to fetch Wanda from the water and return her to her district.

You and Clint both watch and he takes your hand, needing the support from you, one of the people he most looks up to.

You get pulled back into another memory, the one of Bucky getting fetched to being back to district 2, that was right after you won the games.

You held his hand the whole way, afraid to let go off him, that is when the numbness started, the blacking put, the zombification as Haymitch called it.

You have to make sure that doesn't happen to anyone else ever again, and you'll make sure Snow doesn't get the chance to kill anyone else.

You guys made a plan, first you'd have to kill the others that are against you. Then you'd destroy the dome and escape.

You thought it was going to be easy. That was your first mistake because someone was luring in the jungle, someone who was personally send to kill you.


People say she's the most feared contestant on the games to ever play, she killed her partner in the first minute, then proceeded to murder everyone else. And now she's after you.

You weren't paying attention to your surroundings like you're supposed to, you've been up for way too long to even be paying attention at all.

You were so tired you believed you started seeing things that weren't there. Like Hela luring in the dark.

Even when you're walking with Natasha, who you haven't talked to ever since the incident, you're not paying attention.

As long as you're just imagining things everything will be safe right?

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